Sermon Series
  • 1. What Is Vision?

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2000
    based on 438 ratings

    Defining the qualities of a Biblical vision

    What is Vision? Proverbs 29:18 Series: A New Vision for a New Millennium January 2, 2000 Introduction I. The need for dreams A. We all have dreams 1. Every human experiences dreams when they sleep 2. Dreams are needed to bring balance in our mental and emotional level B. We all need more

  • 2. The Vision Of Christ

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2000
    based on 39 ratings

    An examination of the vision that Christ has for the church and for the world

    The Vision of Christ Matthew 9:37-38 January 16, 2000 Introduction I. I have a dream – read the “I have a Dream” speech – not included due to copyright. A. Martin Luther King Jr. 1. Great speaker, leader and motivator 2. Literally inspired millions B. King was sharing his vision for more

  • 3. Capturing A Godly Vision

    Contributed on Dec 15, 2000
    based on 134 ratings

    Keys to finding the vision that God has for you and your life

    Capturing a Godly Vision Selected Passages January 23, 2000 INTRODUCTION The progress of pioneers A. They had traveled across the sea 1. Nearly 350 years ago – Vision of freedom in a new land 2. They started by going west to that new land 3. The 1st year they established a town center B. more

  • 4. The Value Of Vision

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2000
    based on 104 ratings

    Vision adds distinct and measured value to the church

    The Value of Vision Selected Passages January 9, 2000 Introduction I. The loss of dreams A. The dream fragment B. Sometimes our dreams just get lost  Lost in the shuffle of life  Lost in the day to day routines  Lost in the failed attempt to make them a more