Sermon Series
  • 1. Answering Our Culture #1: Be Prepared

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    First in a series about answering the objections our culture has to Christianity - this one about how people will turn from truth.

    Answering Our Culture #1 – Be Prepared 2 Timothy 4:1-4 July 21, 2002 Introduction God has been reminding me of something lately. When God called me here, it was with the idea that God wanted to help this church become a tool that God could use to bring many people to Christ. And I more

  • 2. Answering Our Culture #2: "There Is No Absolute Truth"

    Contributed on Jul 27, 2002
    based on 131 ratings

    Second in a series answering the objections our culture brings against Christianity.

    Answering Our Culture #2 – There is No Absolute Truth John 8:31-21 John 14:6 July 28, 2002 [NOTE: this message is the result of reading a number of different sources, especially True for You, but Not for Me, by Paul Copan (1998, Bethany House Publishers), and Rick Warren’s message, THE more

  • 3. Answering Our Culture #3: "You Can't Trust The Bible."

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 32 ratings

    Third in a series on answering the objections people raise against Christianity.

    Answering Our Culture #3 – “You Can’t Trust the Bible Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35 August 4, 2002 Introduction Before we get started, I just want to warn you that we will not get all the way through our outline today. I printed out the outline, hopeful that I would be able to cover more

  • 4. Answering Our Culture #4: "You Can't Trust The Bible (Part 2)"

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Fourth in a series answering charges against Christianity.

    Answering Our Culture #4 – “You Can’t Trust the Bible” (Part 2) Isaiah 40:8, Matthew 24:35 August 18, 2002 Introduction There’s a story of a guy on an airplane who was an atheist. He was sitting next to a little girl who was traveling alone, and the little girl brought out a Bible to read more

  • 5. Answering Our Culture #5: "Jesus Is Not The Only Way To God

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    Fifth in the series aimed at answering objections. This one discusses exclusivity, and that people feel sincerity is the main issue.

    Answering Our Culture #5 – “Jesus is Not the Only Path to God.” (Sincerity is All That Matters) John 14:6; 3:35-36; Acts 4:12 August 25, 2002 NOTE: SOME OF THE MATERIAL FOR THIS MESSAGE WAS FOUND IN PAUL COPAN’S BOOK "TRUE FOR YOU, BUT NOT FOR ME." (1998; BETHANY HOUSE more

  • 6. Answering Our Culture #6: Jesus Was Just A Good Teacher

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 96 ratings

    Sixth in a series answering objection to Christianity. This message deals with the claims of Jesus’ deity.

    Answering Our Culture #6 – “Jesus Was Just a Good Teacher – He Did Not Claim to be God.” Various Scriptures September 1, 2002 Note: some of this outline is from Norman Geisler’s book, "Christian Apologetics." Introduction Let me ask you a question: What do most people who do not more

  • 7. Answering Our Culture #7: Christians Are Judgemental, Intolerant, & Hypocri

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    Seventh in the series answering objections against Christianity; this one deals with the charges against Christians: judgmental, intolerant, and hypocritical.

    Answering Our Culture #7 – Christians are Judgmental and Intolerant; There Are Too Many Hypocrites.” Various Scriptures September 8, 2002 Introduction This is the seventh message in our series outlining the Top 10 Reasons to not be a Christian. We have looked at such things as the ideas more

  • 8. Answering Our Culture #8: "If God Is So Good, Why Is There So Much Evil?"

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 104 ratings

    Eight in the series on answering objections to the faith.

    Answering Our Culture #8 – “If God is So Good, Why Is There So Much Evil?” Various Scriptures September 22, 2002 NOTE: I am greatly indebted to the books, "The Case for Faith," by Lee Strobel, and "True for You, But Not for Me," by Paul Copan. Introduction There is no question that evil more

  • 9. Answering Our Culture #9: "I Don't Want To Change My Lifestyle"

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 39 ratings

    Ninth in the series of answering charges against Christianity. This one discusses the bottom-line issue of submitting to Christ, and the question of "What if Christianity is wrong?"

    Answering Our Culture #9 – I Don’t Want to Change My Lifestyle; What if Christianity is Wrong? Various Scriptures September 29, 2002 Introduction Today we look at our last main message on reasons people give for not becoming Christians. We have spent the better part of the last 3 months more

  • 10. Answering Our Culture #10: Just Do It, Already!

    Contributed on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    Last in this apologetics series, this one focusing on reasons to become a Christian.

    Answering Our Culture #10 – Just Do It, Already! Various Scriptures October 13, 2002 Introduction This is our last message in our series on The Top 10 Reasons to NOT be a Christian. We’ve looked at a bunch of different reasons people give for not becoming a Christians. Today I want more