Sermon Series
  • 1. Cheap Or Costly Grace? Part 1

    Contributed on Aug 9, 2021

    What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? Is the grace of God cheap or costly? all quotes from Scripture is from the NASB.

    What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? Does our salvation, our belief in the saving atonement of the death of Jesus and our eternal hope based in His resurrection, a call to discipleship? We give lip service to discipleship. “Yes,” we will say, “I am a disciple because I attend Sunday more

  • 2. Cheap Or Costly Grace Part 2

    Contributed on Aug 9, 2021

    Like the old Bob Dylan song, we all serve somebody. Do we serve sin or righteousness. All scripture references are from the NASB.

    This sermon series we’re dealing with discipleship. As true believers, as those who are saved by grace (for it was not from anything we have done or earned), how are we to live? This is the whole point of discipleship, learning to follow Jesus, to walk in his steps, to be like the master. Romans more

  • 3. The Call To Discipleship Part 1: Not For The Faint-Hearted

    Contributed on Aug 9, 2021

    No where in Scripture does it say that being a disciple of Jesus will be easy. All Scripture references are from the NASB.

    In this sin sick world we live in, the prevailing attitude is “What’s in it for me?” Even in the church, people choose their church as to what will benefit me the most. Where can I get my needs met. Rarely do you hear of people who feel called to a church because of what they can contribute vice more

  • 4. The Call To Discipleship Part 2: False Starts

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2021

    We did to have excuses when the going gets tough. Jesus' call is for total commitment. All Scripture references are from the NASB.

    When Jesus calls us to follow Him, to be His disciples, Jesus did not call for any halfway measures. How many of us, after the holidays, or before summer season starts say we are going to diet, join a gym, and get healthy? With good intentions we jump right into. However, by day 3 of our diet, more

  • 5. The Call To Discipleship Part 3: Count The Cost

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2021

    Have we considered what it might cost us to follow Jesus? All Scripture references are from the NASB.

    We have been looking at what it means to be a follower of Jesus. What does it mean to be a disciple? For last few week we looked at Jesus’ call to follow Him. The call to be a disciple of Jesus, to follow Him is not for the faint hearted. Mark 8:34 And He summoned the crowd with His disciples, more

  • 6. The True Disciple Perseveres

    Contributed on Aug 30, 2021

    Being a disciple of Jesus calls for total commitment. All Scripture References are from the NASB.

    As you have seen over the past few weeks in this current sermon series, being a disciple of Jesus, to follow Jesus, is serious business. We must be committed completely, with no halfway measures. To be totally committed also means we must be totally dependent on Him. We cannot do this in our own more

  • 7. Discipleship Involves Growth

    Contributed on Sep 7, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    We're either moving forward or backwards. There is no such thing as a static, status quo, Christian. All Scripture references are from the NASB.

    Malnourished Christians is a real problem today. In a few weeks I’m going to be preaching about our world-view. A world-view not based on the Word of God invites disaster for the Christian and the church. A survey done by Probe Ministries a year ago among 3,000 Americans reveals among U.S. more

  • 8. The Disciple’s Marching Orders: The Great Commission Part 1

    Contributed on Sep 13, 2021

    By what authority Did Jesus commissioned His Disciples? All scripture references are from the NASB.

    Yesterday we observed the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack on the United States. Our lives have not been the same nor as safe ever since. We just handed back (surrendered) Afghanistan to the Taliban who harbored and abetted Osama Bin Laden and his organization in this terrorist more

  • 9. The Disciple’s Marching Orders: The Great Commission Part 2

    Contributed on Sep 20, 2021

    Final sermon in the "Being a Disciple" Sermon Series. We all, even a new believer, are called to go out and "make Disciples." All Scriptures quotes are from the NASB.

    Opening Illustration: The Missed Opportunity in Mongolian History: A 13-year-old Mongolian inherited land from his father. Through great strategy and awesome fighting ability, he formed fighting bands that conquered village after village. Eventually he became known as Genghis Khan and ruled over 2 more