Sermon Series
  • 1. The World's Greatest Birthday Celebration

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2007
    based on 20 ratings

    This sermon describes the birth of Jesus Christ. It focuses on unique manner in which God brings about events as opposed to the world. God choses the person, the place, the time, he announces the birth, he sends out invitations to the most unlikely people

    THE WORLD’S BEST BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION God’s Marvelous Method Of Sending His Son Into The World God Chose the Host • They were NOT rich, popular, or famous • They were poor from an obscure village. • She was pure, a virgin. • He was a just man, • They knew God’s Word. • They were more

  • 2. Don’t Miss Christmas

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    This message describes those prepared for Christ’s coming and those who were not. The religious crowd is indifferent. The leaders are worried. A widow is watching and an old man is waiting. Magi are wandering and worshipping. Which one describes you?

    Don’t miss Christmas (portions of this sermon are borrowed from illustrations and sermons on Sermon Central) Christmas time is a time filled with traditions. There is the time to get a Christmas tree and put it up along with the decorations. There are presents to buy, so there is shopping to do more