Sermon Series
  • 1. Paradoxes Of Life

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus in His last public sermon shares some paradoxes of life we need to grasp.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Over the next seven weeks leading up to Easter together we are going follow the teachings of Jesus that took place during the final week of His life. • For context earlier in chapter 12 we have the triumphal entry into Jerusalem which marks the beginning of the last more

  • 2. A Deeper Calling

    Contributed on Mar 2, 2012

    Loving your neighbor as yourself is not longer the standard Jesus calls us to. Let us see what He calls us to do.

    A Trip to Hell (Preached first on 15/06/08, Sunday) Text: Rev. 20:15 Introduction Often the word “hell” is thrown around casually like it was no big deal. Many people even joke about Hell. Some have been heard saying that they didn’t mind going to Hell, because all of their favorite more

  • 3. A Deeper Relationship

    Contributed on Mar 9, 2012

    In this great exchange we gain some insight into the depth of the relationship Jesus has with Peter and we see the depth of relationship Peter THINKS he has with Jesus. Jesus knows Peter’s potential.

    INTRODUCTION • DVD CLIP 29:50-31:05 • SLIDE #1 • How do you know if you have a strong relationship? Many times we can gauge the strength of a relationship by how we deal with adversity. • In our text this morning we will get the opportunity to watch an amazing conversation unfold as Jesus and more

  • 4. Deeper Comfort

    Contributed on Mar 16, 2012

    WE can have a deep level of comfort during times of trouble.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • In this evening with Jesus the disciples who were with Him had gone through an emotional roller coaster. • They had gone from the joy of being with Jesus during the Passover , to arguing over who was the greatest, to hearing that one of them would betray Jesus, to Peter more

  • 5. Deeper Encouragement

    Contributed on Mar 30, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus offers some great encouragement for us to enjoy!

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • Have you had moments of joy only to be followed by moments of discouragement? • We have talked about how on this final evening with Jesus before the crucifixion how the mood of the night went for joy to confusion, to discouragement. • As Jesus is reading the hearts of more