Sermon Series
  • 1. "Is Life Meaningless?" Ecc Pt 1

    Contributed on Oct 17, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Solomon proposes some questions to us in Chapter one and he says, “Is everything meaningless? Is life one big bore! Can you agree with me that life can be boring and even senseless?” The answer to these questions is really dependent on your relationship w

    Is Everything Meaningless? Ecclesiastes part 1 Hands on illustration: Have a timer with on the pulpit – set it for 30 minutes in front of everyone. The lesson from the timer is what motivated Solomon to write the book of Ecclesiastes because time was running out for him and for many others. more

  • 2. "What's Wrong With Pleasure?" Ecc. Pt 2

    Contributed on Oct 22, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    What is wrong with the pursuit of pleasure? Answer: It will become a tyrannical god – an idol that will never satisfy – it will never bring eternal meaning to your life.

    “What is wrong with pleasure?” Ecclesiastes Pt. 2 Illustration: My timer is set for 30 minutes again: You may be thinking, “How many people will die in the world in 30 minutes?” The answer is 3,240 people. But here is a major problem - It is estimated that only 7% of the world’s population is more

  • 3. "Are The Wise Really Wise?" Ecc Pt 3

    Contributed on Nov 1, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Are the wise really wise if they do not have God in their lives? Solomon says “No they are not!”

    “Are the wise really wise?” Ecclesiastes 2:12-26 Opening Timer Illustration: Set timer for 30 minutes – Did you know - What happens in 30 minutes? “Mission Maker Magazine”, page 18, Edition 2008, ( 7,764 souls began life in the world 3,444 souls meet Jesus more

  • 4. "Everything In Time" Ecc Pt 4

    Contributed on Nov 7, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Solomon tells us that timing is everything in life and life goes through many stages and we need to know what time it is.

    “Everything in Time!” Ecclesiastes pt. 4 On the lighter side of life: Proverbs from Fourth Graders A 4th grade teacher collected well-known proverbs. She gave each child in the class the first half of the proverb, and asked them to come up with the rest. Here is what they came up with: more

  • 5. "Is Work Meaningless?" Ecc Pt 5

    Contributed on Nov 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Is work meaningless? According to Solomon it is if you are working for the wrong reason and for the wrong person.

    “Is Working Meaningless?” Ecc. pt 5 Opening Illustration: From Blue Fish TV – “Motivational Message” Thesis: Is work meaningless? According to Solomon it is if you are working for the wrong reason and for the wrong person. Scripture Text: Ecc. 4:1-16: 1Again I looked and saw all the more

  • 6. "Stand In Awe Of God" Ecc Pt6

    Contributed on Nov 19, 2007
    based on 10 ratings

    The believer must come to church with a sense of awe for God and listen to what the Spirit is saying about broken vows and the misuse of money. If we fail to invite God into our lives then we will live a meaningless life and that life will be a life of mi

    “Stand in awe of God!” Ecclesiastes Pt 6 Opening Illustration: What happens in 30 minutes? Have a timer with on the pulpit – set it for 30 minutes in front of everyone. The lesson from the timer is what motivated Solomon to write the book of Ecclesiastes because time was running out for him and more

  • 7. "Does God Want Us Miserable?" Ecc Pt 7

    Contributed on Nov 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Does God make us miserable so that we cannot enjoy life’s pleasures. Solomon contemplates this question as he looks at his own life. The question could be phrased this way too, “Is there no such thing as happy ever after without God?” Many say that happil

    “Does God want us miserable?” or “Is there a happily ever after without God?” Ecc. Pt. 7 Opening Illustration: How valuable is our time” from Blue Fish TV Hands on illustration - Do the timer – set it for 30 minutes! Thesis: Does God make us miserable so that we cannot enjoy life’s more

  • 8. "The Balance Of Wisdom" Ecc. Pt 8

    Contributed on Dec 4, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    We all need the balance of wisdom in our life because it will helps us balance the daily issues in life on this earth but it will also help us to balance the reality of eternity.

    “The Balance of Wisdom” Ecc. Pt. 8 Opening Illustration: Story from Bluefish Tv “Vikiel’s Story” Thesis: We all need the balance of wisdom in our life because it will helps us balance the daily issues in life on this earth but it will also help us to balance the reality of more

  • 9. "A Wise Heart" Ecc. Pt. 9

    Contributed on Dec 12, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Solomon continues his explanation of the value of wisdom and he tells us: that a wise heart knows how to submit to authority, it knows that wickedness holds a death grip on people, and it accepts the fact that it does not have all the answers to life only

    “A Wise Heart” Ecclesiastes Chapter 8 part 9 Today our subject is wisdom from the heart and here is a funny story on the subject of wisdom: Opening – On the lighter side of life: A story… It was autumn, and the Indians on the remote reservation asked their new Chief if the winter was going more

  • 10. "Are You Alive Or Dead?" Ecc. Part 10

    Contributed on Jan 15, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Solomon challenges us to examine whether we are alive in Christ or dead in our sin. He tells us to find God’s favor now because at the crossover it will be too late!

    “Are you Alive or Dead?” Ecc. Pt. 10 Opening Illustration: Prophecy fulfilled by Blue Fish TV Thesis: Solomon challenges us to examine whether we are alive in Christ or dead in our sin. He tells us to find God’s favor now because at the crossover it will be too late! Scripture Text: more

  • 11. "Are You Acting Like A Fool? Ecc. Pt 11

    Contributed on Jan 29, 2008
    based on 6 ratings

    Solomon tells us in chapter 10 of his journal that we need to be wise and not a fool like many he has observed throughout his life.

    “Are you acting like a fool?” Ecc. - Pt. 11 Opening Illustration: Some people say and do foolish things for example: Here are some twisted facts from various media sources (not true but reported as true): The following information is from the website On average, 100 more

  • 12. "Planting Is Wise" Ecc Pt 12

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Solomon tells us to plant seeds of wisdom even when we are young because then we will reap a great eternal harvest with our life. Invest now with your life and reap eternal dividends – squander your life now reap anxiety and physical trouble later.

    “Planting seeds of wisdom is wise.” Ecclesiastes pt. 12 Opening Illustration: Clip from Blue Fish TV “Super Bowl Sunday” Thesis: Solomon tells us to plant seeds of wisdom even when we are young because then we will reap a great eternal harvest with our life. Invest now with your life and more

  • 13. "Learn The Lesson – Be Wise!” Ecc. Pt 13

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Solomon tells us to remember God now, understand that study can weary the body and then comprehend that it is the duty of everyone to fear God, keep His Commandments and live our life knowing that every deed we do in life will be evaluated at the Judgment

    “Learn the lesson – be wise!” Ecc. Part 13 Opening Illustration: From Blue fish TV “Wake” The lesson from the timer: What happens in 30 minutes? Have a timer with on the pulpit – set it for 30 minutes in front of everyone. The lesson from the timer is what motivated Solomon to write the more