Sermon Series
  • 1. Extraordinary Love

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Paul is a man who is shaken out of his religious ideas…ultimately centered in his own ego and understanding… and awakened to the reality of what the true and living God is doing.

    Today we begin a new series… we begin a journey into the extraordinary life which God seeks to awaken in us. Over the centuries many have written of profound spiritual experiences… and often there can be something to learn from them. But none has been as profound or proved as more

  • 2. Extraordinary Passion

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    About the courage and passion of Paul.

    My experience two weeks ago… car breaks down… towing… Michael… conversation about his life… filled the day with meaning. Then the next morning… Sandra’s experience… excited me…. But bumped into executive class with champagne hardly felt just…. Is she really God’s favorite? > Faced with more

  • 3. Extraordinary Ambition

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2009
    based on 3 ratings

    About how Paul’s understanding of ambition challenges our own ambitions.

    Begin with question: Are you an ambitious person? (or What do you think of when you think of ambition?) May cause some mixed feelings… because the idea of ambition conjure up and capture very different things. Ambition isn’t something we have to be taught… • Don’t have to put more

  • 4. Extraordinary Spirituality

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Paul knew the nature of religion all too well… and now he explains what is so essential for those who know something of religion but long for more.

    The hurricanes that hit Florida in 2004 left thousands without electrical power. One man who used a portable generator to supply power until the electrical lines could be repaired reported a strange experience. Some daring thieves found the generator in full operation outside the man’s more

  • 5. Extraordinary Vitality

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Paul was able to really assess all he had put confidence in… concludes that knowing Christ who holds the power of eternal risen life… and even to share in his sufferings as part of knowing him… was the greatest purpose and pleasure life offered.

    What is at the center of your life? Hard question to answer… some of us may be honestly divided … some of us may know what we believe should be… but the longer we reflect on the question…. The more we realize that we may not be as centered as we’d like to believe. Show me a centered more

  • 6. Extraordinary Strength

    Contributed on Jul 21, 2009
    based on 6 ratings

    In life… the greater challenge proves to be not so much how to succeed… but how to last. The course we choose is critical… but so is the strength to stay that course.

    (Note: Some of the structure and portions of this message drew upon ‘A Life Worth Living’ material by Nicky Gumbel and Alpha.) Bob W. Ireland crossed the finish line on Thursday, November 6, 1986, as the New York City marathon’s 19,413th and final finisher - the first person to run a more