Sermon Series
  • 1. Abraham The Intercessor

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2021

    Abraham was the great intercessor of the Bible. This prayer of his for Sodom is the first intercessory prayer of the Bible, and it is one of the most remarkable prayers in all the Bible. An intercessor is one who pleads with God on behalf of others.

    What comes down from the heavens has a big effect on the values of real estate. Take what happened in Stillwater in 1852 for example. Jacob Fisher, who was a surveyor, had found a small stream called Brown's Creek in back of the town. He dammed it up and made a lake, and he ran the water down more

  • 2. Rebekah-A Dedicated Daughter

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2021

    She was called to be a wife and mother, and that is a worthy calling. Today daughters are called to be just about everything that sons are called to be. We need to encourage them to follow their dreams and be committed to do all that they do for the glory of God.

    Bach never wrote an opera, but the closest thing to it was his Coffee Cantata. He became quit an expert on coffee because in his day coffee drinking was the popular vice much like drugs have become in our day. There were laws against it and spies roamed the city sniffing the air to catch people more

  • 3. Joseph-Dreams Can Come True

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2021

    A dream can be an escape from reality, but it can also be an alternative to a present inadequate reality. A dream can provide an ideal toward which we strive and thereby change reality for the better.

    Vanna White, the glamorous star who shows the letters on Wheel of Fortune, was a leader in her church youth group in North Myrtle Beach, North Carolina. Her pastor wrote about how he asked her, when she was a senior, what she was going to do after graduation. She responded that her dream was to more

  • 4. Jacob And Joseph

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    Nobody in the family but Joseph knew what was going on, and how God had made the salvation of Jacob's family possible by the position God had lead him to possess. Joseph did not need faith at this point, for he had knowledge, but Jacob needed faith, and that is where he was weak.

    If the strong-willed child is the greatest challenge for parents, the strong-willed adult is the greatest challenge for God. The greatest obstacle to God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven is the strong stubborn self-will of man. All of the judgments of God through the Bible and more

  • 5. Joseph The Actor

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    Joseph is wearing a mask and playing a role that is not his real self, and that is what an actor does.

    The old joke is the question, who was the greatest actor in the Bible? The answer is Samson, because he brought down the house. The surprising thing is that there really are actors in the Bible and Joseph is the first. He put on a performance that would have won him an Academy Award. He more

  • 6. Moses Meets God

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    God taught Moses that He demands reverence, promises His presence and reveals His essence to those who seek Him and obey Him.

    J. B. Phillips in his book Your God Is Too Small tells of how he asked a group of young people to give a snap answer to the question, "Do you think God understands radar?" They all said no, and then they roared with laughter as they considered how foolish their answer was. It showed more

  • 7. Rahab The Harlot

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021
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    The story of Rahab gives hope to all the sinners of the world that they too can become children of God by faith in the Christ who will cast none out who come to Him in faith.

    Women do not have fight to play a major role in war. The gentle schemes of women are often able to do what bombs and bullets cannot do. Mary Murray is a great example from the Revolutionary War. George Washington and two of his generals had escaped from the British in New York, but General Putnam more

  • 8. Deborah The Wise

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    Deborah was something of a female Solomon. She was wise in discerning what was right, and people respected her judgments. She also had his creative gift of writing songs.

    Everyone has heard of Paul Revere, but very few would recognize the name of Sybil Ludington. Her father was a colonel in the Revolutionary Army in Connecticut. One night a messenger came banging on the door of their home. Sybil let him in and went to get her father. She listened as her father more

  • 9. Deborah The Delightful

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    The record of Deborah is in the Bible because God inspired it to be there. It was real history, and God ordained history. It is there for an example of how God uses women as well as men in the highest roles of leadership.

    I have enjoyed war stories and war heroes since I was a small boy watching the news on the movies screen in the local theater. I never realized, however, that not all of the heroes were men. I heard of Joan of Arc when I got into the upper grades of school, but I never had the concept of the more

  • 10. Jael The Assassin

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    Jael has a plan to kill Sisera , and the best and safest way to do that is to lure him into a sense of security where he will take a nap.

    Assassins are never heroes in the history of Americans, for they are always those who seek to kill our presidents whom we admire. This is not always the case in other nations. The Jews, for example, have some assassins who are heroes in their history. Two of them are Hakim and Bet Zuri. They were more

  • 11. Samson The Super Fool

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    The story of Samson and Delilah have always been fascinating to many, and that is why it is a popular theme for Hollywood to develop. You can't ask for a more appealing theme, for it has love, sex, violence, and all of it revolving around the exciting story of probing for a secret.

    Charles Steinmetz was a puny little man less than five feet tall and a hunchback. He was not very impressive to look at, but he was a giant in intellect. When he came to the United States from Germany in 1889 he was considered a genius in the field of electricity. General Electric wanted him to more

  • 12. Ruth The Risk Taker

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    She pushed open the door into the life of Boaz, and by her assertive risk taking pushed herself into the blood line of the Messiah. Ruth is only famous, and was only used of God, because she was a risk taker.

    Fort Lee, which is now Charleston, West Virginia was under attack in 1791. Colonel George Clendenin assembled his men to ask for a volunteer to ride to Lewisberg over 100 miles away to get powder. They were almost out, and their survival depended upon a renewed supply. No one volunteered, for more

  • 13. Queen Of Sheba

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    We want to focus our attention on a woman of the Bible who is probably the most brilliant of them all. We do not know if the Queen of Sheba was beautiful or plain, but the record is clear, she was a brain.

    Emma Hart Willard founded the first permanent institution of higher learning for women in America. None of the usual courses for women were even offered. There were no cooking or needle work classes. Instead, she offered zoology, geometry, trigonometry, and other subjects thought to be beyond the more

  • 14. Elijah The Prophet Of Fire

    Contributed on Mar 11, 2021

    Elijah broke into the atmosphere of human history like a comet. We have no story of his birth or background. His coming was as sudden and mysterious as was his going in the flaming chariot.

    Elijah was the Luther of the Old Testament. He was God's man of the hour to begin a reformation and lead the children of Israel back to God. For about 50 years devotion to God had been decreasing. Ahab was now king in Israel, and he was more wicked than all who had gone before him. He married more