Sermon Series
  • 1. Life Twists And Turns

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2011

    Life can be difficult but with God's help we overcome the diffiuclties of life

    Life: Twists and Turns Psalm 37:1-9 Games of Life Series October 9, 2011 Morning Service This morning we are starting a new message series called the Games of Life. Life: Twists and Turns – Dealing with the unexpected Monopoly – Deal with money and greed Solitaire – more

  • 2. Monopoly: Dealing With Greed

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    Many times Christians deal with the issue of greed without even being aware of it

    Monopoly: Dealing with Greed Luke 12:13-21 Series: Games of Life October 16, 2011 We are continuing a series of messages: The Games of Life. Greed has been called the plague of American society. The examples of greed in American society are almost limitless. Everything from televangelists more

  • 3. Solitaire: Dealing With Loneliness

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Loneliness is an issue that impacts more christians than most might think. David dealt with loneliness through the writing of Psalms

    Solitaire: Dealing with Loneliness Psalm 13:1-6 Series: The Games of Life October 23, 2011 Morning Service The game of solitaire: Ninety-two percent of the Christians attending a recent Bible conference admitted in a survey that feelings of loneliness are a major problem in their lives. more

  • 4. Risk: More Than Conquerors

    Contributed on Dec 29, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    We are called to live above the life of sin. We are called to be more than conquerors.

    Risk: More than Conquerors Romans 8:35-37 Series: Games of Life October 30, 2011 Morning Service The Game of Risk Risk is a game of world conquest. The goal is to defeat all of the other enemies and rule the world. In a word, Risk is awesome. People who took great risks Noah risked more