Sermon Series
  • 1. Giving That Feels Good

    Contributed on Feb 5, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Giving is a topic that most preachers would rather avoid. Most often we are reluctant to preach on "giving" because of our measly offerings. It’s understanding the "God-principle" behind our giving that helps make preaching on "giving" much easier.

    GIVING THAT FEELS GOOD (Based on Dr. Kregg Hood’s book: "Take Got At His Word") A. I was given a FREE BOOK written by Dr. Kregg Hood three years ago entitled: Take God At His Word. 1. I opened it up and read the FORWARD and quickly realized that it was about "GIVING." a. I did what more

  • 2. The Joy Of Generosity

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2007
    based on 11 ratings

    Giving God’s way creates joy and peace, not guilt and fear.

    THE JOY OF GENEROSITY (Based on Dr. Kregg Hood’s book: Take God At His Word) A. I Chronicles 29:12-14 (READ and COMMENT) LLUSTRATION: Arthur DeMoss, a gifted and godly BUSINESSMAN, built one of the most successful businesses of its kind in America and in the process gained a fortune of an more

  • 3. God Is Not Against Money

    Contributed on Feb 6, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    Believe it or not, God is not against you and me having money. He does, however, want us to handle our money His way. In doing so, we will be blessed abundantly.

    GOD IS NOT AGAINST MONEY (Based on Dr. Kregg Hood’s book: Take God at His Word and Dave Ramsey’s book: Total Money Makeover) A. There is a misconception among many Christians that God is AGAINST MONEY. 1. We have taken passages that contain WARNINGS to the RICH and have concluded that God more