Sermon Series
  • 1. God’s Second Word: Worship & Serve No Other

    Contributed on Jul 19, 2010
    based on 39 ratings

    Freedom to truly live comes only through proper self-control is the message of the 10 Commandments. The purpose of God’s law is deliverance not domination. Obedience does not subjugate; it saves and delivers.

    [GOD’S TEN WORDS SERIES] EXODUS 20: 4 - 6 GOD’S SECOND WORD: WORSHIP AND SERVE NO OTHER In New York Harbor the STATUE OF LIBERTY stands with torch held high. She faces the Atlantic Ocean and the old countries beyond, with her back turned toward the country she honors. She holds high the more

  • 2. The 10th Word: Sanctify Your Desires

    Contributed on Sep 27, 2010
    based on 25 ratings

    God forbids coveting because it sets my heart on things of earth rather than on things of heaven. It removes our trust away from God & makes us discontent with what He has provided for our life. The Bible teaches us that we are to live a life that is cont

    EXODUS 20: 17 THE TENTH WORD: SANCTIFY YOUR DESIRES [Luke 12:13-34] Today, we come to the last of the 10 Commandments. In these Laws of God governing our daily living here on earth, we have seen that God has a high standard that He expects His people to strive for in life. I trust that as more