Sermon Series
  • 1. The First Lie

    Contributed on Mar 27, 2001
    based on 162 ratings

    This sermon exposes Satan’s three most powerful lies.

    Title: The First Lie Text: Genesis 3:1-5 We are doing a series of studies on the early chapters of Genesis called, "How it all began." The word "Genesis" means "beginning." That’s a fitting title for the first book of the Bible because it tells us how everything began (except God, of more

  • 2. How The First Sin Affects My Life

    Contributed on Apr 6, 2001
    based on 114 ratings

    This message describes how we are still reaping the consequences of the first sin.

    We are currently studying the early chapters of Genesis which tells us how it all began. These chapters describe the first week, the first home, the first people, the first lie, and the first sin. Bible students refer to the first sin as "The Fall of Man." And the Fall of Man has six scenes: more

  • 3. The First Sacrifice

    Contributed on Jun 1, 2001
    based on 88 ratings

    This sermon focuses on the doctrine of salvation as pictured by the events in Genesis 3:7 & 21

    We’re in the middle of a series of messages on the early chapters of Genesis, which describe the first events in human history (the first week, the first people, the first home, the first lie, the first sin, the first promise, and the first sacrifice). The First Sacrifice is recorded in more

  • 4. The First Sentence

    Contributed on Sep 6, 2001
    based on 74 ratings

    This is the first sermon in a series of studies on Genesis 1-3 entilted, "How it all Began"

    We’re doing a series of messages called, "How Did We Get Here?" These studies will focus on the first two chapters of Genesis. Let’s start with the first sentence of the Bible. The first sentence of any book, or speech, is very important. It sets the tone for everything else that more