Sermon Series
  • 1. In His Mercy

    Contributed on Jan 6, 2009
    based on 74 ratings

    1- In His mercy He has given us new birth 2- In His mercy He has given us an inheritance 3- In His mercy He has given us protection

    INTRO. - ILL.- The story is told of a politician who, after receiving the proofs of a portrait, was very angry with the photographer. He stormed back to the photographer and said these angry words: "This picture does not do me justice!" The photographer replied, "Sir, with a face like yours, you more

  • 2. Unjust Suffering

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2009
    based on 54 ratings

    In our text, Peter spells out the good and the bad of unjust suffering. 1- Unjust suffering is conferred on all 2- Unjust suffering is commended by God 3- Unjust suffering is Christ-likeness

    INTRO.- ILL.- An 84 year old man went to the doctor for a physical. A few days later the doctor saw him walking down the street with a gorgeous young woman on his arm. The next time the doctor saw him he asked how he was doing. "Great," said the old guy. "I did just what you told me. ’Get a more

  • 3. Prepare For Action

    Contributed on Apr 13, 2015
    based on 57 ratings

    Our text speaks of preparation for living a successful Christian life. Prepare what? 1- Prepare your mind 2- Prepare your body 3- Prepare your heart

    INTRO.- Prepare for action. Prepare for what? It could be anything. ILL.- My dad was born in 1910 and our family didn’t have a car until the late 1940‘s. The first car I remember we had was a 1947 or 48 Chevy. When I was very small we took a trip in that car to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and more

  • 4. The Imperishable Word Of God

    Contributed on Apr 16, 2015
    based on 61 ratings

    In our text, let's consider what the imperishable Word of God produces in people: 1- Purification 2- Love 3- Eternity

    INTRO.- Many good things don't last long, do they? A good pair of shoes. A favorite pair of jeans. A favorite car or truck. Many things wear out unless we get rid of them before that time. We hate to part with some things. And how about the human body? Whew! Man, does it ever perish or more

  • 5. Prepare For Action

    Contributed on Apr 1, 2009
    based on 104 ratings

    Our text speaks of preparation for living a successful Christian life. Prepare what? 1- Prepare your mind 2- Prepare your body 3- Prepare your heart

    INTRO.- Prepare for action. Prepare for what? It could be anything. ILL.- A man said: One morning I went out to start my car to go to church. I had a flat tire. Luckily, I had a spare tire. I changed the tire quickly and was on my way. But I didn’t think to drop the spare off to be more

  • 6. Redeemed - Oh Yes!

    Contributed on Aug 1, 2009
    based on 100 ratings

    Our text gives us the lowdown on what it means to be redeemed by God. 1- Redeemed with money - oh no! 2- Redeemed with blood - oh wow! 3- Redeemed from sin - oh wonderful!

    INTRO.- Redeemed - Oh yes! Don’t you just love this title? ILL.- A little boy had made a little boat, all painted and fixed up beautifully. One day someone stole his boat, and he was distressed. In passing a pawnshop one day he saw his boat. Happily he ran in to the pawnbroker and said, more

  • 7. The Imperishable Word Of God

    Contributed on Aug 2, 2009
    based on 96 ratings

    In our text, let’s consider what the imperishable Word of God produces in people: 1- Purification 2- Love 3- Eternity

    INTRO.- Many good things don’t last long, do they? A delicious meal. A good pair of shoes. A favorite pair of jeans. A favorite car or truck. They all eventually wear out unless we get rid of them before that time. And how about the human body? Whew! Man, does it ever perish or fade with more

  • 8. Now That You've Tasted The Lord

    Contributed on Aug 10, 2009
    based on 121 ratings

    Because we have tasted of the goodness of the Lord, what should we do? Here is some of our pay back to Him. 1- We should rid evil 2- We should crave good 3- We should grow spiritually

    INTRO.- ILL.- Someone said: According to a recent article I just read on nutrition, they said eating right doesn’t have to be complicated. Nutritionists say there is a simple way to tell if you’re eating right. Colors. Fill your plates with bright colors. Greens, reds, yellows. In fact, I did more

  • 9. Come To The Stone!

    Contributed on Aug 10, 2009
    based on 65 ratings

    Let’s see what is significant and important about this stone. 1- He was rejected by men 2- He was chosen by God 3- He was accepted by saints

    INTRO.- A stone. How about a headstone on a grave? Guess what is the largest cemetery in the US? ILL.- The largest cemetery in the United States is Arlington National Cemetery, situated on the Potomac River in Virginia. It covers 612 acres, and more than 240,000 members of the armed forces more

  • 10. Chosen, Royal And Holy

    Contributed on Aug 15, 2009
    based on 106 ratings

    1- We are a chosen people 2- We are a royal priesthood 3- We are a holy nation

    INTRO.- ILL.- A guy had been feeling down for so long that he finally decided to seek the aid of a psychiatrist. He went there, lay on the couch, spilled his guts then waited for the profound wisdom of the psychiatrist to make him feel better. The psychiatrist asked a few questions, took some more

  • 11. Live Good Lives

    Contributed on Aug 15, 2009
    based on 60 ratings

    1- Live good lives because we are aliens 2- Live good lives because sin wars against the soul 3- Live good lives because God must be glorified

    INTRO.- ILL.- A woman and her little girl were visiting the grave of the little girl’s grandmother. On their way through the cemetery back to the car, the little girl asked, "Mommy, do they ever bury two people in the same grave?" "Of course not, dear." replied the mother, "Why would you think more

  • 12. Silence The Ignorant Talk Of Foolish Men

    Contributed on Aug 23, 2009
    based on 57 ratings

    Our text tells us how to silence the ignorant talk of foolish people. 1- Submit to authority 2- Live as servants 3- Show proper respect 4- Love the believers

    INTRO.- Ignorant talk. There is a lot of that going around. Much of it is in Hollywood. Here is some ignorant talk from foolish people. - JODIE FOSTER: "I absolutely love religions and the rituals. Even though I don’t believe in God." - BILLY JOEL: "I wasn’t raised Catholic, but I used more