Sermon Series
  • 1. "Keep On Keepin On My Fellow Warriors"

    Contributed on Jul 23, 2014

    This lesson relates the Ironman race to the Race of Life. Never give up , never give up and the glory revealed to you in the end will far surpass any trials now.

    The Ultimate Decision July 23, 2014 It is hard to believe that 9 years ago this weekend I did the Ironman in Lake Placid, NY. The distance for the race is a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike and then a marathon 26.2 miles. The total comes out to 140.6 miles. Ever since my bike accident and all my more

  • 2. "Do Not Hold Onto Worry"

    Contributed on Jul 25, 2014

    So many of us do not know how to live the abundant life that Jesus promises us. This lesson will give you some tolls to help you live that life of joy, happiness, gentleness and self control.

    The Ultimate Decision July 25, 2014 Many of you could relate to the Ironman Race and Life. One of the top things I took away from the race given to me by a pro athlete was this wisdom. “The race is a long and hard day; too long to think ahead. When you are in the water think about the more

  • 3. "Don't Go Back"

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2014

    We have become a Burger King Society "Have it your way". We approach sin the same way and extend God's grace far beyond the limits it was supposed to be. True God's grace is abundant but should we have a license to sin - NO

    The Ultimate DecisionBurnShipsTitle.jpg July 29, 2014 Over the years we have discussed many topics from trials to doctrine. What we always come back to is Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ Crucified and Risen. That is the hope for all Christians who believe. In our 21st Century to be a Burger more

  • 4. "Getting To Know God"

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2014

    How to we get to know how much God loves us. We have to spend time in His word and pray there are no shortcuts.

    The Ultimate Decision August 11, 2014 Getting married to the right person is a true gift from the Lord. I am blessed that God allowed me to meet my wife Julie and that she married me almost 20 years ago. But getting married to the right person just doesn’t happen. There is an odd process more

  • 5. "Abundant Life Can Be Yours Today"

    Contributed on Aug 19, 2014

    How to live a life of joy no matter what our circumstances in life are.

    The Ultimate Decision August 19. 2014 When I was in 8th grade I loved to daydream. I should say when did I stop? I can remember being in a far away place and the students starting to laugh. Then I realized that the teacher had asked me a question and only then did I leave my far away place to more