Sermon Series
  • 1. Six Of Life's Most Important Words

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon focusing on Six of Life’s Most Important Words. These are focuses on two sets of three words which should readily flow from our lips and yet so often we forget to say them or can’t find the strength to say them.

    Six of Life’s Most Important Words Matthew 5:23-24, Colossians 3:13 Last week we started our series on the Lessons in the Game of Life. We’ll look at the lessons of life that if we follow them life just becomes that much easier. If you don’t then you will end up with less joy and more pain in more

  • 2. Bonus Round

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Life is Short. God’s original plan for us was life not death. But when Adam sinned, it changed everything forever. Yet God does not want a short life for us. God wants many of His people living long lives- and this is a one of His blessings He grants to u

    Bonus Round Exodus 20:12, Lev. 19:12 Life Is Short. I think the older you get, the more apparent that becomes. When you’re younger, you feel like you’re going to live forever and can’t wait to get older. But when you’re older, you long for the younger years because they’ve just flown by. James more

  • 3. This Is My Father's World

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The simple truth for today is don’t take for granted what you can’t live without. Or it can be rephrased by saying, Don’t be careless with what you can’t replace. I find that we often take a lot of things for granted in life, we don’t care for them and we

    This is My Father’s World Genesis 1:31, Psalm 24:1, Romans 8:19-21 We’re going through Seven Simple Truths About LIFE which was precipitated by my son Luke turning 13. In the Jewish faith, 13 was considered to be the age of adulthood for young men. It may not be so true today with maturity rates more

  • 4. Game Over: When It All Goes Back In The Box

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Sometimes we get so intent on winning the game that we forget what the point is anyway. You see the point of the board game, The Game of Life, is not to have more paper money at the end but to have fun with the people you’re playing with. And that’s the w

    Game Over: When It All Goes Back in the Box Seven Simple Truths About LIFE Ecclesiastes 2:9-11, Matthew 16: 24-27, Matthew 5:3 In December 1994 syndicated columnist Bob Greene told the inspiring story of Rob Mouw. Rob played on the soccer team in his senior year at Wheaton Christian High School. more

  • 5. The Gold Standard

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon focuses on the Golden Rule and how we are to aply it in our lives

    The Gold Standard Matthew 7:12 In 1860, a lithographer named Milton Bradley decided to invent a board game where people by playing it would learn life lessons. They would learn about the risks and the rewards in life and decisions and consequences. It was originally called “The Checkered Game of more

  • 6. Surviving The Setbacks And Storms

    Contributed on Oct 19, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Life is that life is filled with setbacks and storms. Life is hard sometimes. We’re all going to suffer and it hurts, it’s no fun but it’s something we will all have to go through. But the other truth for you this morning is that we can overcome. We can s

    Surviving the Setbacks and Storms Philippians 4:6-7 Any of you who have ever played a board game know that one of the most important things to remember is the rules. In fact, most family arguments occurring during a board game are over disputes about the rules. If you don’t know the rules, the more