Sermon Series
  • 1. Touch And See

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2021

    In the sermon this week Jesus is trying to ground the disciples’ faith in the reality of his presence, in the concreteness of his being.

    THIRD SUNDAY OF EASTER, YEAR B In the sermon this week Jesus is trying to ground the disciples’ faith in the reality of his presence, in the concreteness of his being. He told them to touch him; he ate in front of them. He was announcing that he was real. Jesus was doing something else when he more

  • 2. Listen To My Voice

    Contributed on Apr 25, 2021

    The real question for us today is not, “Will God speak to me, to us today?” Instead, will we listen for that voice that is speaking? Jesus doesn’t say, “Listen and maybe I’ll have something to say.”

    On this Fourth Sunday of Easter as you look at the lectionary the gospel lesson shifts from historical recounting of the events following to resurrection to Christological reflection. The goal is to assist us as we, like Mary and the disciples, seek to understand what happened and is happening to more

  • 3. Abide In Me, Living The Resurrection

    Contributed on May 1, 2021

    We are practicing this abiding in Christ as we worship together with the hope that it will continue after the benediction is pronounced and the postlude ends.

    Like the good shepherd of last week’s text, this week’s image of the vine is another extended metaphor, which also borrows from and adapts Old Testament imagery for Israel. Whereas the Synoptic parable of the vineyard is a story of violence and greed (Mark 12:1-12), this image of the vine is one more

  • 4. We Are Yours

    Contributed on May 15, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    The scripture references listed are for Ascension Day (May 13, 2021) and can be used for worship on May 16. These notes are based on the Gospel reading for Sunday, May 16: John 17:6-19.

    This prayer that John record is a prayer that Jesus prayed for his disciples. The part that includes us happens just after our text for this week. But we can be included anyway. Jesus is praying for us! What an amazing thing. Set this thought alongside the idea of Ascension. Jesus is leaving, more