Sermon Series
  • 1. Persevering Prayer

    Contributed on Apr 18, 2013

    This is part three in the series and addresses the question why persevere in prayer

    PRAYER: Rediscovering the Presence, Promise and Power Persevering in Prayer Luke 18:1-8 Let’s do a review together. In John 17, Jesus establishes the PRIORITY of prayer. Everything we do has its beginning and end with God’s glory. Prayer is not about you. Its about God and His more

  • 2. Rediscovering The Power In Prayer

    Contributed on May 6, 2013

    Message five on the series of prayer with the empahiss on healing.

    PRAYER: Rediscovering the Presnce, Promise and Power of God Rediscovering the power in Prayer to Heal Various Scriptures INTRODUCTION When we discuss prayer, the ultimate question arises, does God still heal today, or was healing meant for another age? I want to go on record to say that more