Sermon Series
  • 1. Money Can't Buy Happiness

    Contributed on Dec 10, 2021

    The Netflix drama “Squid Game” became the number one show on Netflix in all 83 countries where Netflix streams. But why is this drama so popular all over the world? One of the reasons is that it reflects the sentiments of the present age.

    Money Can’t Buy Happiness! Squid Game Part 1 James 5:1-6 Steve Meenho Kang Today, we are starting a new message series, “Squid Game.” The Netflix drama “Squid Game” became the number one show on Netflix in all 83 countries where Netflix streams. But why is this drama more

  • 2. Do Not Create A Win-Lose World

    Contributed on Dec 17, 2021

    The Netflix drama “Squid Game” became the number one show on Netflix in all 83 countries where Netflix streams. “Squid Game” is a drama in which participants risk their lives to play a survival game to win a prize of 40 million dollars. But why is this drama so popular all over the world?

    Do Not Create a Win-Lose World Squid Game Part 2 James 4:1-6 Steve Meenho Kang We are in part two of this series, “Squid Game.” The Netflix drama “Squid Game” became the number one show on Netflix in all 83 countries where Netflix streams. “Squid Game” is a drama in more