Sermon Series
  • 1. Supper In The Sick Ward

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 23 ratings

    Jesus teaches us something. The place we often think of as a garbage dump of human refuse, becomes in God’s eyes, a sick ward. People aren’t sick and depraved because of the wrong they do, they do what is wrong, because they are sick. Jesus is the cure

    Supper in the Sick Ward Subject: Forgiveness/Repentance Theme: Healing from Sin Portion: Luke 5:27-32 Process: Inductive Intro: Is there anything so intimate as time spent over a meal? Through every known culture we discover that more happens at a meal than simply eating. At a meal more

  • 2. The Debtors Dinner

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    The Pharisee’s were so furious over the forgiving of this woman’s great debt of sin, that they neglected the fact that they too had a debt which they were unable to pay.

    Introduction: Two men took a line of credit from an individual financier. Both used the line of credit for various purposes. One was careful to only dip into it for small amounts, a little extra to cover the mortgage on a tight month, or a few hundred extra to cover financing on a good used more

  • 3. An Intimate Meal For A Multitude

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    Have you stood on the edge of possibility, looking at the vast expanse before you and feeling utterly inferior or incompetent for the task? Have you ever wished that you had more to offer?

    Introduction: When was the last time that you found yourself standing at the dead end road of life wondering how you had got there and where God was? Have you stood on the edge of possibility, looking at the vast expanse before you and feeling utterly inferior or incompetent for the task? Have more

  • 4. A Supper With Sister

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 17 ratings

    I heard God calling me the other night. It wasn’t something powerful or amazing, it was just a quiet questioning in my spirit saying, ‘Do you have some time for me today?’ Of course part of my mind says, ‘Lord, what do you think I’ve been doing all week

    Introduction: I heard God calling me the other night. It wasn’t something powerful or amazing, it was just a quiet questioning in my spirit saying, ‘Do you have some time for me today?’ Of course part of my mind says, ‘Lord, what do you think I’ve been doing all week? I’ve been preparing sermons more

  • 5. Jesus Does The Pharisees Dishes

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    The burden of righteousness that God lays on us is not cumbersome, but freeing, for it opens the door to restoring us to the places God created us for.

    Introduction: I want to begin today by taking you back in time 2000 years ago to the common scene at the table of any Jewish Scribe or Pharisee. You will notice that here on the table are a few seemingly simple items, a jug of water and a small wash basin, but to the Pharisees, these items made more

  • 6. Table Talk

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    You see, it turns out that much that we think is reality is illusion; and things which seem of little significance may play the key role at the end of all time. A sermon in three parts.

    (This message was preached in three parts separated by singing.) I. Finding Our True Place (This first segment is taught as a children’s object lesson. In preparation a number of chairs was set out equal to the number of children with one being especially nice and another being very shabby. more

  • 7. Treasures, Trees And Transformations

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    So we see an extraordinary parallel. For Zacchaeus stands up and makes the pronoucement, (if you will permit a paraphrase) “I surrender all that I have to own you.” And Jesus, reply is similar, “I surrender all that I am to make you mine.”

    Introduction: What would you do if you knew you had less than two weeks to live? Less than two weeks to accomplish anything of significance in life? Less than two weeks to spend with loved ones? Less than two weeks? Today is Palm Sunday. A day when we normally remember the entry of the Lord more

  • 8. The Bread, The Cup, And The Lamb

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    A Good Friday focus on the last supper. When our congregation observed Good Friday this sermon had hymns and communion worked between the points.

    Introduction: How old was the little Lord Jesus when his family returned from Egypt? You remember the story; the wisemen came and brought their gifts to the little child. Many feel that Jesus may have been nearly 2 when they arrived. Herod insanely jealous and anxious to keep his throne declared more

  • 9. Dinner To Go

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 54 ratings

    A Narrative in five movements: Heavy Hearts, Broken Hearts, Passionate Heart, Burning Hearts, Peaceful Hearts

    I. Heavy Heart – The Long Walk Home There’s a grief that can’t be spoken. There are wounds that will not heal. My eyes are blind; my heart, a stone. Somehow the sun has nerve to rise again. Somehow the clouds break to reveal a blue sky. Somehow the birds still sing. Somehow it is still more

  • 10. Rsvp

    Contributed on Nov 5, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    Faces once broken with grief, darkened by evil, creased with concern, contorted by pain. All is here forgotten as the Lamb takes his seat – will you be there?

    Introduction: What is the most beautiful wedding you have ever seen? My own. I. Betrothal – Ephesians 1:4, 13-14 i. Ancient Custom of Arrangement ii. Illus.: A Box of Plastic Camels iii. Every Christian is the betrothed of Christ. The Holy Spirit is the ‘earnest’ of this promise. iv. more