Sermon Series
  • 1. The Blessing Of God's Kingdom

    Contributed on Nov 16, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    WE have a lot to be thankful for. In an unstable world, we are part of an unshakable kingdom!

    INTRODUCTION • VIDEO PC- Forgot Something Video • SLIDE #1 • It is so easy to forget about the simple things isn’t it? It is easy to get distracted to the point that we can miss some of the awesome moments of life. • When you take time to sit back and reflect upon more

  • 2. God's Provision

    Contributed on Nov 30, 2012

    Anxiety is a sign of not trusting in God's ability to provide for our needs.

    INTRODUCTION • GRINCH CLIP • SLIDE #1 • Have you got your Christmas shopping done yet? • As we approach Christmas we have to be careful not to lose sight of what is really important. • As a matter of fact, we need to be careful not to lose sight of what life is more

  • 3. God's Word

    Contributed on Dec 7, 2012

    We need to thank God for His Word everyday!

    INTRODUCTION • MACHINE GUN PREACHER CLIP PC VIDEO • SLIDE #1 • Another use for the Word of God. • A story from Religion News Service reports that if someone could gather up all the Bibles either being used or gathering dust in American homes, the stack would be 29 more

  • 4. The Holy Spirit

    Contributed on Dec 14, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    We have an AWESOME gift we should praise God for everyday.

    INTRODUCTION • SLIDE #1 • What are you hoping to receive for Christmas? The time is almost at hand. • Remember the movie, “A Christmas Story”? Ralphie always wanted his Red Ryder BB gun. • SLIDE #2 • Ralphie got what he had always more