Sermon Series
  • 1. 1. Living In Rebellion

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2020

    One of the unfortunate things about the book of Jonah is: most people know only about the great fish, but they know nothing of the great God.

    One of the unfortunate things about the book of Jonah is: most people know only about the great fish, but they know nothing of the great God. Jonah is for real! He was the son of a Amittai. 2 Kings 14:25. A prophet who prophesied in the time of Jeroboam II. Our main concern should not be whether a more

  • 2. 2. The Futility Of Running From God

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2020

    We cannot run away from God. We all try sometimes. We all try to make our own choices do our own thing. We never seem to learn the futility of it all.

    I. A Deliberate Choice 1. The Ship 2. Life is made up of choices. Hebrews 11:24-25 3. Jonah made a deliberate choice to rebel against God. a. Tarshish was the farthest point that he could flee. As much as 1,600 – 2,000 miles b. Jonah refused to surrender his will to God’s will. 4. The idea was, “I more

  • 3. 3. Appeasing God's Anger

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2020

    Even God's storms are acts of love. His fierce winds are meant to drive us to Him for shelter. We see this in the case of Jonah (the saved), and the sailors (the lost).

    1. God’s righteous anger drives the saved to confession. 1:9 2. The lost to conversion. 1:16 3. Both are the fruits of God’s storms. I. The Storm verse 11; God 1. The sea wrought and the wind was tempestuous. 2. The storm represented the anger of God at sin. a. Jonah’s sin was the more

  • 4. 4. The Cost Of A Second Chance

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2020

    Repentance on man's part always brings action on God's part.

    Repentance on man's part always brings action on God's part. Proverbs 28:13. Man could solve so many of life's problems, if he would only repent of his sins. God is ever waiting and eager to bless man. God's blessings are often blocked by man's disobedience. It would have been more

  • 5. 5. Dedication

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Jonah’s response to his “second chance” or renewed commission is DEDICATION.

    God’s first order was disobeyed. The second order was dedication. It is either dedication or disobedience in our lives. The more you lack dedication to the will of God, the more you will be disobedient. Four thoughts: I. The Spirit of Dedication 1. Jonah arose and went to Nineveh 2. The spirit of more

  • 6. 6. Decisions

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    These verses tell us of the results of Jonah’s preaching. It seems everyone decided from the King all the way down to the youngest to repent. God always honors His word!

    God must honor his word, repent, or perish, Luke 13:5 I. The Common People 1. The people of Nineveh did not rebel against the message, they repented. 3: 5 a. Proverbs 28:13, only two things we can do with sin: confess or cover. b. John 6:60-61; 66-69 2. Their repentance was not delayed it was more

  • 7. 7. Displeasure

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2020

    Jonah's displeasure was a deep despondence with God saving the Ninevites.

    Chapter 4 tells us once again, Jonah is the type of person who never does anything halfhearted. If he is going to disobey as in chapter one, he's going to do a good job at it again. I. The Surprise at His Displeasure 1. It is hard to believe. Verse 1 2. We expect the world and the Devil to be more

  • 8. 8. Denunciation

    Contributed on Nov 29, 2020

    Jonah has spoken his peace to God, displeasure. Now God speaks to Jonah, denounces

    Jonah has spoken his peace to God, displeasure. Now God speaks to Jonah, denounces, Both by word and deed. God rebukes Jonah and wants to bring about a better attitude about Nineveh’s revival. Jonah’s attitude needed denouncing. It was not a problem that could be ignored. It was a big problem and more