Sermon Series
  • 1. Make Room For Him

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    This is a Christmas sermon.

    Thousands of sermons on this most familiar passage have been preached. We know it well. Linus quotes it in Charlie Brown’s Christmas special. Read Luke 2:1-20. Jesus entered life in the shadow of a “No Vacancy” sign and not much has changed in our world. We often deride the unnamed more

  • 2. Responsibility

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 6 ratings

    This is an Advent sermon.

    Intro: Who was responsible? Brian Wells 46 year-old pizza man. Robbed a bank in Erie, Pa on August 28. Who was responsible? He was. Forced into it, or duped. Read Luke 3:7-18. We are responsible for our own spiritual condition. Our parents’ or grandparents’ faith doesn’t help or hurt us. more

  • 3. Preparations

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    This is an Advent sermon.

    Intro: Preparations for Christmas: decorations, shopping, food, company, travel, programs, parties, etc., etc. Read Luke 3:1-6. John the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry. Misconceptions about the Messiah’s first coming. Thought to be political and military. Reality it was more

  • 4. Are You Ready

    Contributed on Mar 15, 2004
    based on 9 ratings

    This is an Advent sermon.

    Introduction Y2K fears. Water, food and guns. Companies spending thousands to fix it. Fear and anxiety. Read Luke 21:25-36. I. The fact of the Second Coming It is going to happen. A. Prophecy 332 prophecies in OT about Jesus 1st coming. All true. Statistically speaking it is impossible more