Sermon Series
  • 1. Who Is The Holy Spirit?

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus reveals that that Holy Spirit is God and that He is a person.

    Do you ever feel like there ought to be more to life? Do you read the accounts of supernatural events in the Bible and think to yourself, “Why isn’t my life more like that?” Do you read about Moses parting the Red Sea or Elijah calling down fire from heaven or the eyes of more

  • 2. The Holy Spirit In The Old Testament

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2013
    based on 2 ratings

    An overview of the work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament

    When I bought my first car – a bright yellow Ford Pinto - I learned how to do a lot of the maintenance on my car. I could change the oil, replace the spark plugs, replace and adjust the points and my distributor cap and even adjust the carburetor. Other than change the oil and possibly more

  • 3. The Holy Spirit In The Life Of Jesus

    Contributed on Jul 29, 2013

    A review of why Jesus needed the Holy Spirit in His life and how the Holy Spirit operated in the life of Jesus.

    A week ago Thursday night when I got home from our summer Bible study, I had a small red itchy spot on my right arm. I figured that I must have gotten some kind of bug bite, so I put a little anti-itch cream on it and went to bed. By the next morning, it really didn’t look much different, but more

  • 4. How The Holy Spirit Guides Us

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    How to distinguish between the voice of the Holy Spirit and the voices of self and Satan

    One day, about 25 years ago, I was sitting in a church service listening to the sermon, when I sensed that God was saying to me that He wanted me to be a pastor one day. At the time, I had a very good job with a land development company in which I made a lot of money. I had a family with young more

  • 5. The Holy Spirit In The Process Of Salvation

    Contributed on Aug 13, 2013

    How the Holy Spirit works in the process of salvation

    I’d like to begin this morning by sharing my testimony about my walk with Jesus. And then when I finish, I want to ask you some questions about that testimony. My walk with Jesus began as an infant. Although I obviously don’t remember it, I was christened at Our Saviour’s more

  • 6. The Fruit Of The Spirit

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2013

    If we want to produce the fruit of the Spirit then we must be a "Holy Spirit tree".

    Last week after church we stopped at Trader Joes on our way home. We just needed to pick up a few items so I picked up one of the small red baskets on our way in. As we entered the store and tried to go down the first aisle our way was blocked by two women who had parked their carts right in the more

  • 7. Spiritual Gifts

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2013

    I used a jigsaw puzzle to illustrate how spiritual gifts operate in the body of Christ.

    Most of you know that Mary and I really enjoy putting together jigsaw puzzles. It’s a fun activity that we can do together and we can actually talk with each other while we’re working on the puzzle. And if any of you are interested, we’ve even brought a bunch of our old puzzles to more

  • 8. Sins Against The Holy Spirit

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2013

    How both believers and unbelievers can sin against the Holy Spirit.

    Our pool is a salt pool which uses an electronic system to generate chlorine from the salt that is present in the water. I’m not sure exactly how the system works but I do understand that salt’s chemical composition is sodium chloride – a combination of sodium and chlorine and more

  • 9. Walking According To The Spirit

    Contributed on Sep 16, 2013
    based on 3 ratings

    Walking according to the Spirit is a matter of setting our minds on the things of the Spirit.

    Recently the gym where Mary and I have been working out for the last several years decided to close down at the close of business next Sunday, which meant that we had to look for a new gym. We found that there were really three options available to us. One of those options is a gym whose more