Sermon Series
  • 1. The Way God Calls Your Name (Sermon 1 Of Series)

    Contributed on Aug 11, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    Knowing how God speaks to us can help us in hearing his voice and understanding his desire for our lives.

    Over the time that I have been a Pastor I have come to realize that the smartest people I have ever dealt with are children. Now I’m not talking about kids ages 13 yrs to 19 yrs because as all adults know kids go brain dead during those years. The age I’m talking about it from 5 yrs old to about more

  • 2. Whose Voice Is Guiding You? (Sermon 2 Of Series)

    Contributed on Aug 29, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Knowing who is calling your name is as important as how they are calling your name.

    I. Tone of the call a. The way our name is called tells us a lot about what we need to know b. Who is calling our name can also tell us a lot about what we need to know II. How are name can be called a. Compassion John 19:10-16 (Mary at the Tomb) b. Quietly I Samuel 3 (Samuel as a more