Sermon Series
  • 1. Mary Magdalene

    Contributed on Jan 25, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Women as well as men were credible witnesses to the gospel and were commissioned to preach it to all with whom they came into contact.

    Women who followed Jesus Mary Magdalene. The Roman occupation of Israel (63 BCE.) was part of a long line of invasions beginning with the Babylonians (539 BC), then the Persians and the Greeks and later on others. The Jewish identity rested on stories of the Patriarchs--Abraham, Isaac and more

  • 2. Joanna: Wife Of Cuza

    Contributed on Feb 8, 2021

    The teaching of Jesus for today is a radical call to live and think and feel in a way that is counter-cultural; i.e., that radically contradicts the prevailing culture within which we live.

    Joanna: wife of Cuza Luke 8:1-3. The teaching of Jesus for today is a radical call to live and think and feel in a way that is counter-cultural; i.e., that radically contradicts the prevailing culture within which we live. The lives we are to live are, however, a continuation of the spirit of more

  • 3. Salome Mother Of James And John.

    Contributed on Feb 17, 2021

    Solome is remembered as the mother who just didn’t get the concept of the kingdom right and was overly ambitious for her children

    Salome mother of James and John. Matt. 20:2-21, Mark 15:40-41 There are two women named Salome in the New Testament, but only one is mentioned by that name. One Salome was righteous; we read of the other Salome in Mark 6 - the daughter of Herodias who danced at Herod's party. was more

  • 4. Mary The Mother Of James And Joses.

    Contributed on Mar 10, 2021

    Luke 8:1-3 names some of the women who are recorded in the resurrection account. Without the resurrection Jesus can be viewed as just another good man who died for His cause - or a Roman crucifixion of a false messiah.

    Mary the mother of James and Joses. Mark 15:40–41, Luke 8:1-3 Many of us are aware of the Resurrection of Jesus , but we don’t always realise how we got the record of this event: and it is this: the first witnesses of the resurrection were women. Now with our 21st century ears when we hear more