Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: The Bible is very clear concerning our responsibility to forgive and forgive we must.

Psalm 103

A Psalm of David.

1 Bless the LORD, O my soul;

And all that is within me, bless His holy name!

2 Bless the LORD, O my soul,

And forget not all His benefits:

3 Who forgives all your iniquities,

Who heals all your diseases,

4 Who redeems your life from destruction,

Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies,

5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things,

So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

We are continuing our series on “Breaking the Curse That’s Holding Back the Blessings.”

In the past few weeks we have discovered that we are first of all blessed by God. There are the blessings that come to all of mankind… the sun shining, the rain falling, the cool water that flows from the mountain streams, the air we breathe, these are blessings experienced by everyone. And I know that it’s not a popular thought among the world that we live in today, but it’s a fact, for the person that is a child of God who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ there are blessings beyond the ability of this world to comprehend. You can’t measure peace in the midst of the storm. You can’t calculate the worth of being able to see beyond even the grave. There are no indicators on the stock market that can determine the value of being able to experience joy even while the tears are flowing. Not to mention that we understand our hope is not found in this world. If our hope was only in this world and what it could provide we would be just as miserable as anybody else. But we know that there is a hope beyond death. There is a place that has been prepared for those that trust in Jesus Christ. And because we understand that, death itself cannot rob us of the victory given to us by Jesus. Only the children of God can understand these blessings.

We have also discovered that we are carriers of the presence of God. Everywhere we go we carry God’s presence with us. When we walk into a dark place the presence of God lights it up. When we walk into a desperate situation, the presence of God births hope.

When we come across a problem that looks impossible, the presence of God makes it possible. This is the blessing of God’s presence in our lives.

We have also discovered in this study that there are things that can hold back God’s blessings from us. So far we have spoken about the power of the words that we speak, how that they can bring a blessing or a curse. Then last week we spoke about uncontrollable anger. We know that anger within itself is not a sin, but when we lose control of it, and our words and actions become less than Christian-like, it then becomes a sin, and sin stops the blessings. And now this week I want to speak on something that can be an even tougher issue for us to deal with. In our scripture reading we find the greatest blessing given to mankind.

3 Who forgives all your iniquities,

Healing is not the greatest blessing. Prosperity is not the greatest blessing. Peace in the midst of the storm is not the greatest blessing. The greatest blessing that God has given to us is that He has forgiven all our iniquities. You see, without His forgiveness we are handed a debt that we cannot pay. Our sins have separated us from God. And there is nothing that we can do to eradicate those sins unless we have His forgiveness.

Without His forgiveness we are doomed to live a life void of His presence. The peace that we now have would be non-existent. The miracles that have transpired in our lives would have never of happened. The difficulties that we’ve come through by His grace and mercy would have overwhelmed us. There would be no intervention by His hand on our behalf, without His forgiveness.

This blessing of forgiveness was so important to God that He sent His only begotten Son to this earth to pay the price for us. All of the gold and silver in the world could not pay that price. That’s the cost of forgiveness. That’s the value of forgiveness. That’s the worth of the greatest blessing ever given to mankind. If you ever get into a situation to where you’ve lost everything you have, remember that you still carry the most valuable possession known to man, and that is the stamp of forgiveness. If you ever get to feeling like you’ve missed out on the wealth of this world, remember that you have something the wealth of this world could never buy, forgiveness. When the enemy of your soul comes against you with accusations concerning your past, you tell him that you have been given the greatest blessing that could be given by God, forgiveness that covers all of your past.

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