
Summary: God is calling us first to salvation, then after salvation He calls to serve Him.

Introduction: I played a joke with the congregation. I had someone call my cell phone while I began to preach. I would stop the call several times and say it must be tele-marketer and would stop the call. My phone rings again, this time I answer it. I pretent it is God talking to me on the phone. I appolize for not answering His previour calls. I then explain to the congregation that God is calling all of us but many are not answering His call.

Scriptures: 1 Samuel 3:1-10

God is calling out to us; are we listening?

I. The Call to Salvation

A. God is calling everyone to salvation

1. God desires everyone to be saved (1Timothy 2:4)

Being saved means you are saved from the eternal consequences of sin

He does not want anyone to perish but all to repent (2 Peter 3:9)

Being saved also means being restored to a right relationship with God

2. The parable of the wedding feast (Matthew 22:1-14)

A king invites many to a wedding feast

Many were called (invited) several times, but only a few responded

B. God is calling us through His servants

1. His servants proclaim the gospel (the good news that there is a way one can come to God)

2. The gospel is to be proclaimed throughout the earth, everyone is invited to come

C. The Holy Spirit’s personal call

1. He calls you by name, He tugs at your heart to come

2. There is a deep sense of conviction and inner longing

Application: Have you responded to the call of salvation?

II. The Call to Serve

A. You were created for a purpose

1. You were created with natural talents and abilities

Application: We need to discover and develop those talents

2. The purpose of those talents is greater than just to serve yourself

3. We need to use those abilities to serve the Lord

Example of my artistic talent

B. Every believer is called to serve God

1. The fallacy of dividing believers between clergy and laity

2. The priesthood of all believers (1 Peter 2:5)

3. Every believer is a part of the Body of Christ

Every member of a body has a certain function, but to become effective it must be connected

Application: We are members of God’s team

C. Responding to the Call of God to Serve

1. The call to salvation must be responded to first

2. Surrender your life to Lordship of Christ

Make your purpose in life to serve Christ rather than yourself

Get connected to a church where God can use you

3. Get involved in a church ministry, volunteer for service (Cartoon)

4. Discover your gifts

What do you see as a great need?

What do you enjoy doing?

Application: Have you responded to the call to service?

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