Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: The purpose of the book of Jonah is to show the degree of the grace of God, that the message of salvation is for all individuals.

The purpose of the book of Jonah is to show the degree of the grace of God, that the message of salvation is for all individuals. This book is not quite the same as the other prophetic books since it recounts the tale of the prophet and does not fixate on his predictions. Indeed, just one verse sums up his message to the individuals of Nineveh (3:4). Jonah is a recorded account. It is additionally referenced by Jesus as an image of his passing and resurrection (Matthew 12:38-42).

Sin runs amuck throughout our society. We can pick up any newspaper and read the numerous stories of murders, child abuse, terrorism, sexual sins (Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9), pornography; the world is full of hatred, violence, and evil. Can we not see that God’s judgment is coming? What if God called us to begin preaching about the sin and the judgment to come?

This assignment was given to Jonah. This book is about that story.

• In chapter one, we see the Protesting Prophet. Fear of God – Scared 1:3.

• In chapter two, we have the Praying Prophet. Fear the God – Respect 2:1-9. Jonah now prays from inside the great fish.

• In chapter three, the Preaching Prophet emerges. Jonah delivered the message, but Scripture does not state if he gave assistance or encouragement. The people repented; Jonah feared that God would show mercy.

• Then in chapter four, the Pouting Prophet shows his face.

God calls Jonah to do a job, preach unto the citizens of Nineveh regarding their sin, that they should repent and turn to God or face destruction. Jonah knew of God’s mercy and grace and knew that God had the capacity to heal and forgive, but Jonah hated the Assyrians and wanted vengeance to put upon them. Jonah sinned and ran in the opposite direction from God. How many of us have been given a task from God yet we decided to run from that task?

Jonah makes it to the seaport and hops aboard a ship. A vast storm approaches and the sailors, superstitious as they are, cast lots to determine who the culprit is. The lot falls upon Jonah. The sailors are afraid and ask what is to be done. Jonah tells them to cast him into the sea so that they would be spared. They did just that, and in doing so, they began to believe on God. Jonah was then swallowed by a great fish, and there he remained for three days and nights.

The Explanation and Importance of Jonah

God's Supremacy:

Albeit the prophet attempted to flee from God, but God was in charge. By controlling the turbulent oceans and an extraordinary fish, God showed his outright, yet cherishing direction. Rather than running from God, we should confide in him with our past, present, and future life. Denying God rapidly prompts calamity and tragedy. Saying yes brings a new comprehension of God and his intention on the planet.

God's News to all the Earth:

God had given Jonah a reason and a motive, to lecture the incomparable Assyrian city of Nineveh. Jonah abhorred Nineveh; thus, he reacted with outrage and impassion. Jonah still could not seem to comprehend that God cherishes all individuals. Through Jonah, God helped Israel to remember their purpose.

We should not restrict our attention to only our own people. God calls his people to announce his adoration in words and activities to the entire world. He wants us to be his ministers at any place that we are at, and at any place that he sends us to.


At the point when the hesitant minister went to Nineveh, there was an incredible reaction. Individuals apologized and went to God. This was a strong reproach to Israel who thought themselves better but would not react to God's message. God will pardon every one of the people who abandon their wrongdoing.

God does not respect those who are playacting or who are impostors. He wants the true commitment of every individual. It is not to the point of sharing the honors of Christianity; we should request that God pardon us and to eliminate our transgression. Declining to apologize is equivalent to cherishing our wrongdoing.

God's Benevolence/Compassion:

God's message of affection and absolution was not for the Jews alone. God cherishes each individual of the world. The Assyrians did not merit it, however God saved them when they repented. In his benevolence, God did not dismiss Jonah for cutting short his main goal. God has incredible love, tolerance, and pardoning.

God adores every one of us even though when we fall short. In any case, he additionally adores others, including those not of our societal gathering, foundation, race, or category. When we acknowledge his affection, we should likewise learn how to acknowledge those whom he adores. If we love God first and foremost, then it is a lot more straightforward to cherish others.

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