Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Generosity, kindness, and compassion comes from allowing Christ to give you His heart for people

Toolbox of Faith series

Generosity, kindness, and compassion

2 Corinthians 9:6-15


This morning Father, I ask that you would speak to our hearts and minister to our souls of the importance of being kind, being generous, and having a heart of compassion for the lost and for the people that you have put in our path.

May we not be so wrapped up in our own lives that other people’s lives don’t matter.

May we follow the example of Christ. In Jesus name. Amen.

Turn to 2 Corinthians 9:6-15 (Don’t read yet)


We have been looking at the tools needed to operate as a Christian in the abundant life and Spirit of Christ.

Directed to us that have confessed Jesus Christ as Lord of their life. (Most all of us sitting here)

The tools the Lord gives us and the principals that we must apply to our lives.

We have looked at faith- I could preach a year on the different aspects of faith.

It seems everything operates off our faith or the lack of faith.

Faith is pretty personal until it is tested, then everyone sees our faith.

We have looked at The Holy Spirit of God, the third person of the trinity who wants to operate in a believers life. He desires to give us strength, encouragement, and direction for our lives.

Last week while I was away Fred talked about the love of God in our lives and reflected back on how we can love others.

This week I want to talk about Godly generosity, kindness, and compassion

Come back please don’t leave.

We think every message of generosity involves the preacher talking about our money and church needs.

There is an element of obedience to the Lord on giving so that the church can be the church.

To operate as intended to those that are in need and to share the gospel to those that need to hear it.

Everyone of us plays a play in supporting His church and everyone plays a part of sharing the good news of what Jesus has done for us.

There is an element of giving that brings God’s blessing. It happens not only in being obedient in tithes and offerings but in going beyond that and sacrificing to be generous to those God lay’s on your heart.

Generosity is not limited to money. It Is especially not limited to your excess money.

Your generosity does not begin in your abundance. It begins in your faithfulness and love to God and the love of others.(repeat)

You do not have to wait until you have plenty to begin to be generous to others.

Lots of scripture relates to generosity and caring for others. In fact, as a believer I do not think that you can separate them.

You cannot separate generosity from caring.

You cannot separate a compassionate heart and your resources.

Your checkbook is an indicator of what is important to you.

If I were to see your checkbook, I would know quickly what is important to you.

The Good Samaritan recorded in the gospel of Luke saw the need, had compassion on the man and acted with compassion.

He did not leave it at “I feel sorry for him.”

As a Christian you must have a passion for the lost and a desire to share the gospel. The gospel is God’s love for us. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

God the Father gave the most generous thing He could ever give in His Son Jesus. Until we know it, live it, and show it, we fall short.

Until we have a sense of urgency.

Until we have nothing that we would hold back.

Society today does not sense the urgency of the lost because there is no sense of urgency in our lives.

Until we know how much we need Jesus, we will not show compassion on the lost as to how much they need Jesus.

You cannot operate in the will of God if you are only thinking about yourself and your needs.

We would not be a “friendly church” if we were not visiting those in the hospital, meeting the needs of those that are in hard times, sharing words of encouragement, and being involved more than just Sunday morning.

2 Corinthians 9:6-15 Read from Bible

God loves a cheerful giver- if you are giving only because of you feel you have too, you will miss some of the blessings for giving.

When is the last time that you said Amen because the ushers were coming for morning tithes and offerings.

That you consider it a privilege to give back a portion of what God has given you .

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