Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: Jesus is alive! Jesus is coming back! Jesus wants you ready for His return!

Revelation Study Series 9 - God’s Mysterious Plan Fulfilled



I can only imagine

What it will be like

When I walk by Your side

I can only imagine

What my eyes would see

When Your face is before me

I can only imagine

I Can Only Imagine, MercyMe

What if you could do more than imagine it? What if you could see it? John did! And, he tells us what he saw and heard…

Revelation 4:1-3

1 Then as I looked, I saw a door standing open in heaven, and the same voice I had heard before spoke to me like a trumpet blast. The voice said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must happen after this.”

2 And instantly I was in the Spirit, and I saw a throne in heaven and someone sitting on it.

3 The One sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones—like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled His throne like a rainbow.

John got a glimpse of heaven...a glimpse of what is and what will be! He wrote down what he saw, what he heard, and what he experienced.

It’s all exciting, fascinating and hard to grasp. It’s great John recorded it…even greater God wanted you to more than imagine it, but know about it!

John heard a voice like a trumpet blast...loud, with authority. This booming voice called to him/invited him, “Come up here, John...I want to show you what is, and what is to come!”

Immediately John was standing before a throne in heaven, and on that throne...someone was seated.

I remember as a little boy, my family took a trip to Washington, we toured all the things to see, the White House, the Washington of the most vivid memories I have is standing in front of the Lincoln memorial.

There really is no way to describe it...those of you that have visited will understand.

There I stood in front of that marble statue of Abraham Lincoln seated. The sculpture portrays him with that piercing deep look from his eyes. I was just awestruck. Even as a young child, only 7 or 8...I was in awe...proud and humbled all together. It made me all the more wish that I had been able to have met him.

It is strange that all of those feelings and emotions came from looking at a marble statue.

John stood before the throne. He stood not before a statue, but a Holy presence! There is no doubt that John was taken back by what he saw…

Revelation 4:3

3 The One sitting on the throne was as brilliant as gemstones—like jasper and carnelian. And the glow of an emerald circled His throne like a rainbow.

This is a very intriguing verse. This is not the first time that these gemstones are talked about in the Bible.

In the book of Exodus, God gave Moses instructions for the tabernacle and the office of the high priest.

The high priest would go into the Tabernacle and enter the Holy of Holies, and there before the Ark of the Covenant, where the presence of the Lord dwelt...he would offer the sacrifice that had been made for the sins of the Children of Israel.

Every detail of the tabernacle, the office of the priest, the sacrifice, the way God was to be was all given to Moses as instructed by God.

Even the clothing that the priest wore was designed and laid out by God. All of these things represented something...the Bible even tells us that they were patterned after heaven. (Heb. 8:5)

There was a certain article of clothing called the “breastplate of judgment”/ “chestpiece” that was to be attached to the priest's clothing…

Exodus 28:15-21

15 “Then, with great skill and care, make a chestpiece to be worn for seeking a decision from God. Make it to match the ephod, using finely woven linen embroidered with gold and with blue, purple, and scarlet thread.

16 Make the chestpiece of a single piece of cloth folded to form a pouch nine inches square.

17 Mount four rows of gemstones on it. The first row will contain a red carnelian, a pale-green peridot, and an emerald.

18 The second row will contain a turquoise, a blue lapis lazuli, and a white moonstone.

19 The third row will contain an orange jacinth, an agate, and a purple amethyst.

20 The fourth row will contain a blue-green beryl, an onyx, and a green jasper. All these stones will be set in gold filigree.

21 Each stone will represent one of the twelve sons of Israel, and the name of that tribe will be engraved on it like a seal.

Four rows of three stones...twelve in all...all of them mounted on this chest piece/breastplate.

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