
Summary: INTRODUCTION: Have you ever considered the importance of milk? A. Read from encyclopedia.on milk, pp. 459, paragraphs 1 and 2

INTRODUCTION: Have you ever considered the importance of milk?

A. Read from encyclopedia.on milk, pp. 459, paragraphs 1 and 2

B. “The most nourishing of all foods”

1. Our Lord recognized the importance of milk.

2. Exodus 3:8

3. Milk helps put me to sleep (Judges 4:19)

C. The Bible parallels milk to the word. “…desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby” (I Peter 2:20) .


A. Some parents have a hard time getting their children to drink milk.

B. Matthew 4:4 “…Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”

1. Paul’s words to the elders at Ephesus (Acts 20:32).

2. “desire” from I Peter 2:2

3. From Greek Erirotheo which means to “long after, long for”

a. There are not many things which I long for. Brethren, Heaven, Success, Wife, Food

b. I don’t long for the word enough.

C. People who do not eat properly become weak.

1. Osteoperosis

D. My body forces me to eat. If we do not partake of the milk of the word, it can be months before it shows.

1. “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness”

(Matthew 5:6)

2. Do you hunger for righteousness? (II Timothy 3:16)

3. The classic excuse…”I am so busy. I don’t have time.”

a. People stop work when it is time to eat.

b. People put much emphasis on restaurant plans.


A. What are first principles? The first things we are taught.

1. We teach primary lessons to our children about crossing the street.

2. Acts 2 was a sermon on primary things. Ethiopian Eunuch/ Philippian Jailor/ I Peter 3:21

3. Why do people need to keep going back to the first principles?

4. Imagine a student in Algebra II who cannot multiply?

Imagine a student graduating high school that cannot read.

B. First principles are the fundamental teachings of the Bible. They do not change.

III. WATERED-DOWN MILK (Galatians 1:7)

A. Jim asked the milk man in India if he watered down the milk with nasty pond water, or pure well water. He quickly replied “pure well water.”

B. I do not care for skim milk, and I do not care for skim gospel.

1. The circumcision issue made their faith in vain (Galatians 5:2)

2. Additions are perversions.

3. Additions are like added pond water. Additions are poisonous.

C. Proponents of sexual immorality often says times have changed (Heb. 13:8).

1. Romans 1: 29,30 Since fornication is accepted today, does that make fornication alright?

2. Romans 1:26 “change the natural use…”

3. The Roman empire was very corrupt when this was written.

CONCLUSION: Milk gives life. Milk gives spiritual life.

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