
Summary: The controversy over abortion is deep and divisive. The only way to respond to it is with compassion and understanding.

And that is true of every human embryo. Think about this then. God is present to every unborn baby that is aborted. Can you imagine then the horror that God feels at our American holocaust?


What then are we to do? Prov 31:8 says, “Speak out for those who cannot speak, for the rights of all the destitute.” Unborn babies are “those who cannot speak.” According to current law, they have no rights. The Bible says, we are to speak for them.

Christians are called to examples. We are lights shining in darkness. God uses us to point the way for others who are without Christ and seeking direction. God uses us to reveal the moral and spiritual decay of our society. God uses us to reach out to women who are pregnant and in need of help, to reach out to families struggling with financial or emotional difficulties.

But we do not reach out to others in condemnation. Norma McCorvey, using the pseudonym “Jane Roe,” won the 1973 Roe vs Wade Supreme Court case to legalize abortion. For a time Norma McCorvey worked as the marketing director for a Dallas abortion clinic. When the Christian organization, Operation Rescue, moved their offices directly next door, she began to taunt Phillip Benhem, the president of the organization. Benhem was no saint. He was a recovering alcoholic. He had much in common with Norma McCorvey. They were the same age, they had both been through rough times. They became friends. Phillip Benhem’s care and compassion for Norma opened up her heart and allowed her to confess the real needs and convictions she had held inside for so long. Eventually Phillip Benhem baptized her. He said, “Jesus Christ has reached through the abortion mill walls and touched the heart of Norma McCorvey.”

Columnist Cal Thomas said, “He won her over not with harsh rhetoric, but by treating her as a valuable person.” The controversy over abortion is deep and divisive. The only way to respond to it is with compassion and understanding. Amen.

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