
Summary: Jesus would not "fly away," and so, they crucified him... Why did the world hate Jesus? Why does the world hate you?

Title: "The Great Speckled Bird"


Years ago I heard a song sung about the "great speckled bird." I had no idea of what the singer was singing about. In my devotions I came across this passage of scripture and studied it out. God was saying to Jeremiah, "those who follow me are likened unto the speckled bird that is rejected by the other members of its family. The speckled bird is "different" from the other birds. They have solid black wings. The speckled bird doesn’t seem to fit in.

With that in mind, I thought, "Who in the Bible was rejected by his family because he was "different." Certainly Christ in the New Testament. In the Old testament the name Joseph comes to mind.

What about Joseph and Christ caused them to be rejected by the family?

Three things. These same three things will cause you to be rejected by others. If you follow Christ, you will be the "speckled bird!"

It is not what you do that bothers those who are lost, it is what you have to say that bothers them. The world wants you, the speckled bird, to fly away, and to leave them alone!

1. They want you to quit talking about "Your Father."

Read Genesis 37: 1-8

Joseph was loved by his Father Israel. They had a close personal relationship. Jesus continually talked about his Father in Heaven. Let me challenge you to take your Bible and read through the Gospel of John and circle the word "Father." You will be amazed at how often Jesus talks about his "Father."

The Pharisees talked about "God Almighty." They knew of God, but they did not know God. People don’t mind it if you are religious, but they are offended when you talk about God as if you know him personally. A lost man does not want to hear a message that tells them that they "must be born again."

The brethren of Joseph hated him because he was loved by his Father.

2. They want you to quit talking about your robe.

Israel gave Joseph a coat of many colors. His brethren were envious of that robe. God has also every believer a beautiful robe. It is the imputed robe of righteousness. Think of every one of the fruits of the Spirit as a color in our robe of righteousness. We have been given love, peace, joy, longsuffering, goodness, temperance, faith, and meekness. The world doesn’t know what to make of the Christian walking in the Spirit. To the world, he is a speckled bird!

A lost man does not want to hear a message about the "holiness of God." Joseph told his Father that his brethren were evil. They hated him.

3. They want you to quit talking about the future.

Joseph has a dream. He told this dream to his brothers. In this dream his brothers sheaves bowed down to the sheaf of Joseph. They hated him. They did not want to think that one day Joseph would rule over them, but they would!

One day every knee will bow, and one day every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. A lost man does not want "authority" and "accountability" in his life. He does not want to be told that there will be a day of Judgment. He does not want to humble himself to the Lordship of Christ. The lost man is his own god. He does not want to be told to repent and turn to Christ. A lost man in offended when the preacher preaches on the doctrine of burning hell. They want the "speckled bird" to fly away.

Jesus would not "fly away," and so, they crucified him.

Conclusion: If you become a follower of Jesus, you too, will be a speckled bird. Are you willing to be a speckled bird for Christ?

Illustration: Let me encourage to watch the film, "A Walk to Remember." This is a true story of a young high school girl who lived her life devoted to Christ in the public school setting. She was mocked. She did not fit in. She was a speckled bird. This film beautifully portrays the heart of today’s message. I would encourage you to see this film if you have not. Let me encourage you also to be a "speckled bird" for Christ!

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