Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: brief outline about the difference between David and Golith and their battle readiness

Are you A Veteran of the Cause of Christ?

1 Sam 17:32 -37

A Veteran

having had service in or experience in warfare:

experienced through long service or practice;

having served for a long period:

of, relating to, or characteristic of veterans.

There is more than one type of Veteran

Contrast Goliath and David

Veterans are

1. Determined

David wasn’t required to fight vs 29 Is there not a cause?

Goliath was willing to fight anybody. He just wanted to fight vs 8

2Tim 3:14 But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and

hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them

2. Dependable

They must have thought Golith would win, because he always had ???

Why did they trust David with their slavery? Vs 9

Heb 3:14 For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the

beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end;

3. Duteous

There are 120 references to doing your duty in the Word of God

1 Cor 16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men,

be strong.

HCSB Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Deut 10:12 And now, Israel, what doth the LORD thy God require of

thee, but to fear the LORD thy God, to walk in all his ways,

and to love him, and to serve the LORD thy God with all thy

heart and with all thy soul, 13 To keep the commandments of

the LORD, and his statutes, which I command thee this day

for thy good?

Mic 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what [is] good; and what doth

the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy,

and to walk humbly with thy God?

Rom 12: 1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye

present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God,

[which is] your reasonable service. 2 And be not conformed to

this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,

that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and

perfect, will of God

Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a

cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin

which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the

race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and

finisher of [our] faith; who for the joy that was set before him

endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the

right hand of the throne of God

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