
Summary: Arrows of Truth: Hunters Tips This week marks the beginning of the 26 week series "Arrows of Truth: Hunters Tips" to help equip you to engage/restore dropout believers in your own sphere of influence to restore them to the church - the Body of Christ.. Stay tuned every week!

Arrows of Truth # 1- What is a dropout believer?

Very simply, the dropout believer is the disconnected believer – once actively practicing his Christian faith in a community of believers, but no longer. They have disconnected themselves from any meaningful relationship with the church – the Body of Christ. There are a variety of reasons for this, none of which are in line with God’s will and purpose for them.

Consider people in your own circle of influence. Are some of your family members dropout believers? friends? neighbors? work associates?

Think of 2 or 3 people that you are concerned about that are dropout believers. You may be the believer whom God can use to help restore them to the body of Christ. We say guardedly, may be. This is part of the strategy that will unfold over the next 26 weeks as you learn about how to become a Hunter of the harvest of the dropout believer!

Hunters Tip #1

Consider and write down those 2 or 3 names that came to mind today. Begin to pray for them to ask God to prepare their hearts for restoration. Keep these in mind over the coming weeks as we explore the Hunters strategy together. At the end of 26 weeks you will have a divine strategy that can make you an effective Hunter for the dropout believers in your sphere of influence!

For more depth on this read the Hunters of the Harvest book: chapter 2. To order the ministry book go to website and click Order.

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