
Summary: A weekly series to help believers engage with loved ones, friends and neighbors who are dropout believers to restore them to the church - the Body of Christ.

Arrows of Truth # 2- Why does a believer become a dropout?

A believer has all the opportunities that life provides through circumstances, people and the devil to generate reasons for him/her to disconnect themselves from the body of Christ.

Some of these include offenses (real and imagined), pride (churches have hypocrites), life events in which they blame God, and false beliefs (just me and Jesus). All of these issues, if not dealt with properly spiritually, will lead to strongholds in the mind of the believer and likely precipitate a breakaway from the church community. Strongholds must be addressed spiritually through prayer, love and truth.

"Burned" Christians

Sometimes dropout believers get that way because they experienced a real or perceived hurt associated with a church, pastor, or person. Rather than forgiving and going on, they hold anger and resentment and the spirit of bitterness and unforgiveness comes in. Perhaps jealousy and envy of another person, group, or church enters the picture. In any event, they drop out and become isolated from the Body of Christ -- the local church. Simply maintaining casual fellowship with some believers does not constitute integration with the body and submission to it.

TIP #2

Consider 2 or 3 people in your sphere of influence who are dropout believers. Begin to pray and ask God to reveal to you the “why” behind the dropout. You may discern it through prayer, a casual conversation, or even their behavior. Then you can begin to pray for the root issue to be dealt with. For more depth on this read Hunters of the Harvest book chapter 4. To order the ministry book go to website and click Order.

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