
Summary: One of the great book of the Bible is the book of Daniel.


1. “An earthquake shakes the foundations of our security; a tornado blows away a lifetime of work; an assassin’s bullet changes national history; a drunk driver claims another victim; national disasters…We cry out, “God, where are you?” But God, is where He has always been, on His throne! He is in control in Babylon, and He has been moving in history, controlling the destinies of people ever since. And He is here now! Despite news reports or personal stress, we can be your security in His sovereignty.”

2. The main message of Daniel is that God is sitting firmly and eternally on His sovereign throne.

3. Background to Daniel.

I. First, an Abbreviated historical background.

A. For starters, the Divine Stipulation.

1. The Idolatry. Deut. 27-28

Israel’s choice: Blessing or Suffering! I Ki. 11:5; 12:28; 18:19/ 2 Ki. 21:3-5/ 2 Chron.28:2-3/ Jer. 7:24-8:3/ etc.

Lesson: A Jealous God demands undivided devotion! Ja. 4:4-5

Draper, “The Holy Spirit of God, does not want us, to give one once of our energy; one moment of our time; one square inch of our hearts; to ungodly things. God’s Spirit is jealous of every moment that is stolen from Him. Every affection that is given to the world, grieves Him.” Psa. 78:58

2. The Neglect of Sabbath Rest. Lev. 25:1-7; 26:2-4, 14, 21, 32-35

Israel was commanded to let the land rest, 1 year out of every 7 years – they neglected this command for 490 years! The result was a 70 year captivity [7 divided into 490 = 70 years]. 2 Chron. 36:14-21

Major Jewish Captivities:

Event………………………………………………………………………Approx. Date

Egyptian Captivity……………………………………………………….1875-1445 BC

Assyrian Captivity of the Northern Kingdom [Israel]…………………………..722 BC

First Babylonian Captivity – Jerusalem [Daniel and Friends]…………………..605 BC

Second Babylonian Captivity – Ten Thousand Jews [Ezekiel]…………………597 BC

Third Babylonian Captivity – Southern Kingdom [Judah]……………………...586 BC

….First destruction of Jerusalem

….Jews from Judah returned in three phrases:

….First Return……………………………………………………………………536 BC

….Second Return…………………………………………………………………458 BC

….Third Return…………………………………………………………………..445 BC

Dominated by Greece…………………………………………………………331-63 BC

Dominated by Rome………………………………………………………63BC-500 AD

Second destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans………………………………….70 AD

Summation Statement: “When Moses (Ex. 6-14) led the Hebrews out of Egypt, God made a special covenant (Ex. 19:5-8) with them. He promised to be their God and to bless them, but there was a condition. They would have to obey Him by keeping His laws, offering sacrifices, and letting the land rest (Lev. 25,26) every seventh year. The Hebrew agreed to do this, but they did not follow through. As a result they experienced Divine judgment, in the form of Captivities.”

B. The Solid Kingdom under Saul, David, and Solomon.

C. The Separated kingdom – the Ten Tribes called Israel went North, making Samaria their capital; Two tribes [3 counting Levi] went South, making Jerusalem their capital.

D. The Subjection of the Northern Kingdom – 722 BC by the Assyrians.

E. The Surviving kingdom – Judah, was taken into captivity by Babylonian’s in 605, 597, and 586 BC.

II. Next, the Approximate date. 537 BC

III. Third, the Authenticity of the book of Daniel.

A. It claims to be written by Daniel. Dan. 9:1-4; 10:1-2, 10-12

B. Christ quotes from this book and attributes the quote to Daniel. Mt. 24:15

C. Daniel was a contemporary of Ezekiel, this kills the third century dating of this book. Ezk. 14:14,20; 28:3

D. Such historians as Josephus attribute this book to Daniel in the 6th Century.

IV. Fourthly, the Author’s character.

A. He was a man of Purpose – firm convictions. 1:8

B. He was a man of Prayer – 2:17-23; 6:10; 9:3-17

C. He was a Prophet. Mt. 24:15

D. A man of Purity and wisdom. Ezk. 14:14,20; 28:3

E. He had a Proper or royal birth. 1:3,6 [Not a necessity – I Cor. 1:26-31]

F. He was a Politician.

G. He was Physically and mentally attractive. 1:4

V. Fifthly, Area’s of Emphasis.

A. It is a book that Challenges one to Commitment – Dare to be a Daniel!

B. It reveals God’s great Care for His own people.

C. It tells us about Coming prophetic events.

VI. Sixthly, the main Argument of the book – God’s Sovereignty.

Archer, “The principle theological emphasis in Daniel, is the absolute sovereignty of Yahweh, the God of Israel. The theme running through the whole book is that the fortunes of kings and the affairs of men are subject to God’s decrees, and that, He is able to accomplish His will despite the most determined opposition of the mightiest potentates on earth.”

VII. Finally, an Acceptable outline.


J.B. Gambrell, first president of the Southern Baptist Convention, wrote:

“Great revivals have accompanied the heroic preaching of the doctrines of grace – predestination, election, and that whole lofty mountain range of doctrines upon which Jehovah sits enthroned, sovereign in grace, as in all things else. God honors the preaching that honors Him.”

Johnny Palmer Jr

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