
Summary: Trust God's promises

“Believe,” Jesus says, “and you will see the glory of God.” We all have doubts – Martha too. Jesus told Martha to move the stone away from Lazarus’ tomb, and she hesitated. Wouldn’t you have hesitated too? Yes, I believe you, Jesus, but really? Open up the tomb again? They moved away the stone, and with one command, Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead: “Lazarus, come out! And the dead man came out.” Martha saw God’s glory right there – she saw Jesus raise her brother from the dead. She believed, and saw the glory of God.

A short while later, during Holy Week, Martha would experience more grief. Instead of her brother dying, she would see Jesus dying, on a cross. Instead of burying Lazarus in a tomb, she would be burying Jesus in a tomb. More heartache for Martha. More grief. More sadness. But perhaps for her, the promise of Jesus would echo through her mind, “Believe, and you will see the glory of God.” Would Jesus keep that promise to Martha again? The answer, as you know, is yes. Just as Lazarus walked out of that tomb, Jesus would walk out of his tomb, and reveal to everyone the glory of God.

This miracle that Jesus performed was recorded for us, to help us believe the promises of God? Like Martha, you and I have witnessed Jesus’ power, through his Word. Like Martha, we have heard his promises, and today Jesus invites us to believe, and as we do, he promises us that we too will someday see the glory of God. Someday we all will live in heaven, even though you we had died on the earth. Do you believe?

Someday, you will never die. Someday you will be Lazarus, and Jesus will call out your name, and on Judgment Day, and you will come out of your grave, just like Lazarus did, and you will be physically alive again, much healthier, and happier, than when you were the first time you were alive. Jesus promises that someday you will rise from the dead, just like Jesus, and you will see the glory of God on Judgment Day. Do you believe?

Someday you will be Martha, and you will watch Jesus as he displays his power by raising your loved ones from the dead. All those loved ones that you had said goodbye rise again come out of the grave, just like Lazarus. Do you believe? All these things are coming, Jesus says, all these things are in the future – believe, and you will see the glory of God.

Two weeks from now is Easter. There Jesus proves to us that all of his promises will come true. Yes, we will all have days like Martha had, that one day many years ago, days filled with grief and fear and confusion and sadness. You and I cannot escape those days while we are here on this earth. But Easter is coming. All of Jesus’ promises are true. May God grant to all of us faith that looks to Jesus every day for strength and comfort. “Believe, and you will see the glory of God.” Amen.

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