
Summary: The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the hearers to affirm to others that Mary magnified the Lord and her spirit rejoiced in God her Savior.

d. Many believers are also disturbed and troubled by the Words of God’s Messengers in this day and time.

e. Still, when God’s Word comes – it bring about a change in our life.

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For you see, my brothers and sisters, Mary knew that she was a sinner; shaped in iniquity;

f. She knew that she wasn’t worthy to have such divine honors bestowed upon her. Still, she said to the angel “… let it be to me according to your word …”

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MOVE 4: So, it disturbed her to think that she was special in the eyes of God. Yes, she was a virgin.

a. Yes, she attended Bible Study; and yes, she went to the synagogue for worship;

b. … but when the angel called her “blessed and highly favored” he messed up her mind.

c. And When the angel used the “perfect participle form of the verb “charitoo’”, he was saying in essence “Rejoice thou that are highly favored” which implied that Mary was already the recipient of divine favor.

d. Now, my brothers and sisters, in Catholicism, there is a prayer that says, “Hail Mary, full of grace”. And the prayer is correct … Mary was full of grace.

e. And as a student of God’s Word …. Mary was also … aware of the prophecy in Isaiah 7:14 (KJV) which said: “ the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son;”

f. Yet, how could Mary ever explain to Joseph (her Soul-mate) that she hadn’t slept with anyone – this was God’s doing?

g. No man had laid his hands or anything else on her.

h. But, she was pregnant with child.

i. But, Mary thought about how Joseph would react.

j. For you see, Joseph was a hard working - good man and she didn’t want to lose him;

k. but how could she explain what had happened to her?

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MOVE 6: Then she remembered that the Bible says “… under the multitude of Counsel there is safety;

a. and if she ever needed to be safely under the arms of counsel, she needed to be safe now.

b. So, although the trip was a 4 to 5 day journey – Mary got caught up in “The Annunciation” ….

c. … and she remembered that the angel said her Cousin Elisabeth – who was of age and barren– was 6 months pregnant.

d. Wow! “… with God, nothing is impossible” ….

e. On Mary’s arrival, there was lots of emotions: great joy, admiration and gratitude was being expressed … so much so … it made Mary feel thankful and vivacious and energetic ….

f. And simultaneously, Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost, and the baby in her womb kicked for joy ….

g. …and under the Holy Ghost influence Elisabeth screamed “ blessed are thou amongst women”

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Celebration: in other words,

… God’s divine favor has been bestowed on me ….

“My Soul magnifies the Lord … and my spirit …

rejoices in my Savior …

for He who is mighty … has done great things for me ….”

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