
Summary: We can gain strength and build spiritual muscle through study and application of God’s Word. Peter exhorts us to grow by the Word of God, but how does this happen?

Peter exhorts the people that God’s Word is edifying for life and learning. He encourages his readers to build their spiritual muscle through study and application of biblical truth.

We can build strength through the Bible.

When can we build strength by the Word?

1 Peter 1:24-2:3

4 Opportunities

1. We build spiritual muscle when we recognize God’s Word is good enough to last forever. 1:24-25

2. We build spirtual muscle when we remember God’s Word has brought us salvation. 1:25; 2:3

3. We build spiritual muscle when we reckon God’s Word demands personal holiness. 2:1

4. We build spiritual muscle when we read God’s Word regularly and intensely. 2:2

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