
Summary: God’s jealousy will be revealed two ways; in the fires of His wrath against sin; and in loving kindness for those who are faithful. The time of separation is upon us. Jesus is coming soon.

Our God is a jealous God; jealous because of His great love for His Bride and he will not tolerate unfaithfulness. How can a man marry a bride to be that has proven unfaithful over and over again? How can a woman marry a man who is proved to chase every woman around? We couldn’t see that in the natural realm so what makes the Bride to Be of Christ think that we can get away with it in the spiritual realm? Unfaithfulness in serving God is dishonoring to His holiness and His great love for us. Chasing after things that become idols to replace Him in our lives is nothing less than spiritual fornication and adultery. A jealous God will not tolerate this for long; judgment for sin will surely follow.

If we don’t seek forgiveness and turn back to God with all of our heart, we will face the fury of God’s wrath as an unfaithful Bride to be and God’s anger will be poured out forever in the Lake of Fire against those who refuse to honor His love.

The same question still hangs in the air today that was spoken by the Prophet Elijah so many years ago as he stood on the hillside of Mt. Carmel in 1 Kings 18:21, "…How long halt ye between two opinions? if the LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him.” And, like the unrepentant, idol worshipping Children of Israel, the unfaithful Bride of Jesus hears the Word of God; sees where she needs to fall down in repentance for unfaithfulness, “…And the people answered him not a word."

Israel didn’t answer because they enjoyed serving Baal too much. They didn’t answer because the Queen of evil, Jezebel had them convinced that she was stronger than God’s prophet. They didn’t answer because the prophets of Baal far outnumbered the man of God, 400 to 1. That many prophets can’t be wrong. Look at how the Temples of Baal are growing and prospering. They are decorated with beautiful groves and gardens and fine structures adorned with gold and silver. They have to be doing something right or God wouldn’t be blessing them, would he?

God wasn’t blessing them – the devil was. Satan’s deception works wonders in the hearts of people who refuse to serve the Lord faithfully, even while they stand in the very presence of God. They can look upon a curse and think of it as a blessing.

But there is a remnant, just a few of those who are going to be a part of the Bride of Christ. 1 Kings 18:22, “Then said Elijah unto the people, I, even I only, remain a prophet of the LORD…” Later on we find that there are many more besides Elijah that are staying faithful to God. 7,000 people, out of a nation of well over a million people remained faithful. But on that day, it was Elijah and he alone that stood against the power of the devil on Mt. Carmel.

Let that be a lesson to each of us that we will have to take a personal stand for Christ. It’s easy living for God while you’re at church, but what about when you are alone; just you and God against the world?

There is coming a showdown in your soul, and in the heart of everyone who claims to be a Born Again Christian. We are in the days when you will have to stand up and be counted, or you will fall into the traps of the devil. We are in the days when we must know the Mind of Christ and when we must learn to listen for His voice.

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