
Summary: What Christmas means to me.

"Christmas Is..."

Text: John 3:16-18


How do you explain the meaning of Christmas in

just a few words? Well the best way I know is this:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only

begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him

should not perish, but have everlasting life."

No one could outdo what God has done. No one could

give a greater gift than God has already given. I

would like for us to consider the meaning of Christ-

mas this morning-what it should mean to each and

every one of us assembled here today.

Christmas means a lot of things to a lot of diff-

erent people. To some it is-

-a time of shopping and spending

-a time of drinking and carousing

-a time of traveling and entertaining

But, what is the real meaning of Christmas? What

message should it convey to every one of us?

To me, Christmas is...


-remembering the great love that God had for

each and every one of us. He loved us so

much, that He spared not His only Son that

we might be saved.

-remembering the uniqueness of

His life

His teachings

His miracles

His prophesies

His death

His resurrection

-remembering all those humble but great people

surrounding the Christmas story

people like Joseph & Mary, Zacharias & Eliz-

abeth, Anna, Simeon, the sheperds, the wise

men, etc.

II. Secondly, to me, Christmas is...


People make a special effort to be a little

kinder, a little more considerate of others,

and a little more generous during the Christ-

mas season. They get involved in such things

as Christmas carolling, toys for the needy,

meals for the misfortunate, etc.

It is a time for reaching out to others with

love and concern.

God so loved the world-let us never forget

that!!! In all of our preaching, teaching,

evangelizing, etc. let us always remember

that the motivation for all this is the love

of God for lost sinners. He really cares

about us. So should we care as He cares.

So should we love, as He loves.


For God so loved the world, that He gave...

Love cannot look with indifference on the

hungry, and the sick, and the lonely, lost

souls of this world. Love must give.

God gave all He could give. He gave His

only begotten Son. This gift was freely

given, lovingly given, graciously given to

all of us, who were undeserving sinners.

Christ shared our human nature that we might

receive His divine nature. Day by day, those

who receive Him are being transformed into

His image, until we all come into the full

stature of the perfected children of God,

washed in the blood of the Lamb.


God was willing to forgive us. He was willing

to show mercy to a sinful, lost, and dying

world. Do we possess His forgiving spirit?

Or, is our spirit a judgmental one, that

looks down upon others?

Is there someone we need to forgive today?


God rescued us by His love and mercy. He

saved us from perishing.

Without Christ we are without life, and

headed for an eternity without God-forever

seperated from the God who made us and longs

to save us.

He wants us to inherit eternal life. We

are all descendents of a dying race. But

for the grace of God, we would all likewise



The Christ of Christmas changes us. He makes

us new creatures. All things become new for

us. We have new goals, new ideas, new direc-

tion, new hope.

Christ changes people for the better.


-rejoicing in God’s unmerited grace

-rejoicing in the release of forgiveness

-rejoicing in a new life with a new mission

Conclusion-I have tried to share with you this

moring what Christmas means to me. What does

the coming of Christ into this world mean to

you? Have you received Him as Lord & Savior?

If not, I encourage you to come to Him now.

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Elmara Billones

commented on Dec 6, 2010

Yes, Christmas is the best time of reconsidering things in our Christian life... we must always remember God''s divine demonstration of His eternal love to us by giving His only begotten Son, our LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST.

Stephen Bickel

commented on Nov 17, 2015

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