
Summary: 5th sermon in a John series

But there is another reason, it is important. We have another purpose. We should get people to Jesus b/c Jesus changes lives. Jesus takes Cephas and makes him Peter. Jesus takes the sinner and makes him a saint. Jesus takes the drunkard and makes him sober. Jesus takes the prostitute and makes her clean. Jesus takes the spiritually sick and makes them well. Jesus takes the spiritually blind and makes them see. Jesus takes the dirty and makes them clean. Jesus takes the unclean and makes them pure. Jesus changes lives.

I believe that is why Andrew had to tell Simon and Philip had to tell Nathaniel b/c Jesus changes lives. And when Jesus changes your life, you want to tell others. You want your family to know. You want others to know. You want to tell people about Jesus. Remember your purpose.

Come and see evangelism. It is very simple: Recognize a Prospect (think about them right now). Refer a person (it is all about Jesus). Remember a purpose (Jesus changes lives).

We need some Andrews and Philips. We need some believers who will determine: By God’s grace, I will bring one person to Jesus. Can you imagine how Andrew felt seeing his brother come to Christ? Can you imagine how he felt when Peter preached at Pentecost? Philip compels us to remember that God uses ordinary people to bring others to Christ. Others who may make a huge impact for the cause of Christ. Determine this morning: I will bring one. I will invite my prospect to come and see. Evangelism is usually advanced one person to one person. One at a time reaching one at a time.

Edward Kimbrall, a SS teacher, led DL Moody to Christ in the back of a shoe store.

A Salvation Army worker led Billy Sunday to Christ on the curb in Chicago.

A lesson taught by a deacon on a snowy wintry night led to the surrender of CH Spurgeon to Christ.

Personal testimony. A carpenter determined to get people to Jesus.

Are you a seeker? Are you a skeptic? Come and See!

Are you an Andrew? If not, determine to be an Andrew.

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Mark Mignery

commented on Jun 7, 2010

Great sermon for bringing in the sheep!

Roy Garthwaite

commented on Jul 23, 2011

simple but oh what a difference one soulwinner can make for the kingdom! I was influenced by some quiet ladies I worked with that pointed me to Jesus and invited me to their church service! I was saved!!! What if they had said nothing???

Frank Pagán

commented on Oct 20, 2011

Excelent! Thank you very much!

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