Pentecost Sermon Kit


Summary: What do we really believe about Jesus? It will show in our lives.

Intro. There are many things people need in life. Sometimes, we have needs to which we have no answers. There are no answers found in logic, none in knowledge, none in our culture, none in counseling, none in possession, none in relationships. Sometimes it appears there is no answers! Oh, but there is!

When all else fails, we will realize that the answer to whatever we need will be found in Jesus! Sadly, many times God has to bring us to the end of ourselves so that we can come to the Right Conclusion.

I. A Father that was Determined - vs. 41-42

A. He was Driven by his Affection - He was a Dad - Here we find a dad that was concerned for his little girl. There is nothing like loving your kids. Mine are not perfect, of course they do not have a perfect dad. But we would all do anything we could for our children.

1. He was a Good man - “ruler of the synagogue.”

- Oversaw the daily operations of the synagogue.

- Arranged the services.

- He might have cleaned the building.

- as the leader, he would have organized the services.

- He was well known and much respected in the community.

- He had possibly heard Jesus speak in the synagogue at Capernaum.

2. He was a Grieving man -His daughter was sick with no answers.

B. He was Defined by His Actions

1. He was not Ashamed to Ask the Lord - vs. 41-42

(this was a great step for a leader in the Synagogue!)

- He Sought the Lord Personally.

* He did not send His Wife

* He did not send another family member

* He did not send a Friend

* He did not send a Servant

- He sought the Lord Publicly.

* He did not Come in the Dark (like Nicodemus)

* He did not Come in Disguise (multitude saw him)

- He sought the Lord Passionately.

* There was a Compliance - he fell at the Feet of Jesus. He did not care what others thought!

* There was a Cry - “besought” - beg

* There was a Cause - his only daughter needed a touch from Jesus.

2. He was not Ashamed to Associate with the Lord -vs. 41 Come into his house.

- He was willing for Jesus to be in the midst of it all.

- He was willing for Jesus to come Home with him. Not merely religion, but Jesus come into my house.

- He was willing for Jesus to be with Him in front of his friends!

At this point, there was no association as important as Jesus! When our needs become great, we will want Jesus close.

II. A Fear that Could be Defeating - vs. 49-50

They had been interrupted by the woman with an issue of blood. Patiently Jairus waited as Jesus dealt with this hurting lady. But then the news came.

A. The News that Grieved Him - vs. 49

1. There could have been no worse message than what he heard.

2. There could have been no worse feeling than he felt.

B. The Word that Grounded Him - vs. 50

Just as we saw in the life of the Shunamite woman. Jairus did not find strength in His course of life, His religion, His companion, or even His circumstances.

1. Yes, He was in the Proximity of Failure (would have been easy to give up).

2. He was in the Presence of Greatness - Jesus calmed him!

3. He was in the Plan of God.

Jesus knew things that Jairus did not and Jesus knew things the messenger did not know! - vs. 50 “She shall be made whole.”

There is nothing in his heart but panic and grief. He has no answers, but Jairus did not dismiss Jesus! How many times do we get in trouble, and we panic and dismiss the presence of the Lord in our lives.

III. A Faith that is Defining - vs. 51-56

We have not received a Spirit of Fear - 2 Timothy 1:7 "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." We can find courage in the Word of God - FEAR NOT

Whatever God says to do - Fear not. Where ever God says to go - Fear not.

But if you have left God out of your life - FEAR ON

A. There was no Reason to Fear His Plan - (In reality, Jairus had nothing to lose!)

1. Do not Panic in the Face of Consequences.

2. Have Peace in the Place of Control.

B. There was no Reason to Fear His Presence

1. The Mourners gave only Pain - with every cry, it deepened in his flesh.

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