
Summary: This sermon is to encourage those that will follow Christ, to understand there is a cost for discipleship.

Jesus went on to say, that “Before King goes into battle, he must make sure that he has enough men to do the job.”

Jesus is saying, before you commit to following him, make sure you have added up the cost. Make sure you are committed to finishing your walk with Christ.

The point of this scripture is not to discourage you from following Jesus, but it is to let you know what it is going to take to follow HIM.

When you commit yourself to following Jesus, it will cost you something. You may lose friends, you may have to suffer, you may lose family. You will have to give EVERY PART of your life over to HIM.

Your are no longer free to do what you want to do, but you must do what He wants you to do. Your life because His. Your will must be lost in HIS.

Jesus will make it worth your while. Whatever you lose or give up for His sake, He will replace it with much more and better things.But you must be willing to give it all over to HIM.

Jesus ended with saying “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Jesus is calling us to a closer walk with Him,

(He that has ears to hear, let him hear.”)

Jesus is calling us to have peace with Him.

(He that has ears to hear, let him hear.”)

Jesus is calling to us who are hurting, to let HIM heal us. "He that has ears to hear, let him hear.”)

Count UP the Cost and follow HIM.

("He that has ears to hear, let him hear.”)

Jesus made it very clear that following Him won’t be easy. God’s way is not always the

easiest way, but it is always the best way. You must ask yourself these three basic

questions: Is there anything that I love more that Christ? Is there anything that I will not

give up for Christ? Is there anything that I won’t do for Christ? If you answer yes to any

of these questions, then you cannot be His disciple.

If you give Christ your all, He will give you His all.

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