
Summary: Part Two, Expectations of Christians

Demands of Christianity – Part Two


A. Grandmother’s demands – Picadilly; Done eating; No old people!

B. Hebrew Letter sets forth the “better” things of Christianity in contrast to the Law of Moses. Thirteen times.

Many demands under Old Law; If the New is better, not to expect the demands to be less in either quantity or quality.

1. Steadfastness to Right Standard – Verses 7-9

A. They had been taught the truth.

1.) Centered in Jesus who changes not – Hebrews 1:10-12

2.) Picked up carried off by deceptive wind of error.

B. Be tenacious and inflexible with unchanging truths of God!

1 Thessalonians 5:21; Psalms 119:33.

2. Separation from Entanglements – Verses 10-14

A. Hebrews draws a clear line between Judaism & Christianity.

1.) Cross over, separate, leave camp of Judaism.

2.) Never go back! - Galatians 5:1.

B. Same clear line between the world and church; cross over;

never look back! Luke 9:62

3. Sacrificial Life of Service – Verses 15-16

A. What profit them just to leave Judaism?

1.) Embrace Christianity; meant sacrifice, service.

2.) They in effect became their own “lamb” – Romans 12:1

3.) We do too! – Galatians 2:20

B. Separation w/out service no value, physical marriage –

spiritual marriage! Leave world, cleave to Christ, & bear


4. Submission to Authority – Verse 17

A. Overseers; God-made – Acts 20:28

1.) Posses authority in matters of judgment.

2.) Soul Watchers – Ezekiel 3:17

B. Numbers 16 – Rebellion to God’s authority and God’s attitude

toward it!


A. Christianity is truly the better way.

B. Are you ready to comply with it’s demands?

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