
Summary: The second of five messages on the reliability of Christianity

III If You Want To Know That God Exists – Just LOOK AROUND!

Verse: He established the earth upon its foundations, so that it will not totter forever and ever. Psalms 104:5

Story: In 1959 scientists discovered the fact that the earth is perfectly balanced. Where ever there is mountain mass on one side of the earth, something of equal weight is on the opposite side of the earth! That’s why the earth doesn’t wobble out of orbit! Figure that the density of rocks varies tremendously world-wide. This is an utterly amazing balancing act! There is global weight distribution of land mass, mountains, valleys, and water!

The oceans actually exert the precise pressure against the shores that keep the mountains standing. The Bible claimed this all along – Isaiah 40:12, it claims that God measured the waters and the dust of the earth and the mountains and hills so they would be balanced.

Bible: Ps. 104:5,8 claims that God established the earth so that it would not totter. Ps. 104:8-9 Mountains rose and valleys sank to the levels you decreed. Then you set a firm boundary for the seas, so they would never again cover the earth.

Note: Many in the scientific community are talking about “Fine Tuning” of the cosmos. Really rattling the cages of the atheistic community. Scientist have identified 75 different finely tuned aspects of our world. . . Everyone of which is absolutely essential for life. . . If any one of them were “out of tune” we would die. . .

Insert: If the sun were any further from the center of the galaxy, rock planets could not form. If it were any closer, stellar density would interfere w/ our orbit.

If the earth were 1 degree closer to the sun, we’d fry! If we were 1 degree further, we’d freeze!

If the moon was any closer or larger, the tides would destroy the coast lines. If any smaller or further away, the oceans would die from a lack of nutrient movement.

If our distance from Jupiter were any greater, asteroids and comets would pepper the earth. If we were any closer our orbit would become unstable.

If the surface gravity was any stronger, earth would retain too much ammonia and methane. If it were any weaker, earth’s atmosphere would lose too much water. . .

If the magnetic field were any stronger, electromagnetic storms would destroy us. If any weaker, ozone shield could not protect us from stellar and solar radiation.

If the earth’s crust were any thicker, it would absorb too much of our oxygen. If it was any thinner; the volcanic and tectonic activity would make life impossible.

If the decay rate of a proton was any faster, we would die from radiation. If it was any slower, insufficient matter in the in universe for life. . .

If the carbon dioxide level was any greater, runaway greenhouse effect would kill us. If it were any less, plants would be unable to maintain photosynthesis.

If the polarity of the water molecule were any greater vaporization would be to great for life. If it were any small, ice would not float – build up ice – freeze the planet!

Even the tilt of the earth’s axis is crucial to maintaining the earth’s temperature.

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Daniel Stout

commented on Jun 9, 2012

good thots but I failed to grasp the ending. Maybe this is missing a page or 2?

Rudolph Freese

commented on Jan 3, 2019

I appreciate the science angle. Thank you!

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