
Summary: When faced with problems beyond our capablilities God has a way.


5/14/08 Ezra 8:22-31 S__L__R__


A. Reality of the Problem

1. Long Walk

a. 4 months journey

2. Loads of Wealth

a. several Million dollars gold & silver

3. Lack of Warriors

a. subjugated people

b. shop keepers/city folk

B. Result if Problem not defeated

1. Death vs. 22a

2. Dishonor vs. 22b


A. Solicit the willing vs. 1-20

1. Ask for Involvement

B. Specific in Praying vs. 21

1. Pray for a Relying Heart

2. Pray for Route from God

C. Restrict Self Solutions v. 23

1. Did nothing until prayed & fasted

2. Did not move until fast was over


A. Preparation vs. 24-30

1. Packing

2. Parceling

3. Purpose

B. Activation “Then we departed” vs. 31

1. Vision was Enabled

a. Eyes to see the Positive

b. Eyes to see the People

c. Eyes to see the Particulars

C. Realization vs. 32

1. Put feet to their prayers and prayers were answered

2. Jerusalem

"Fasting for Spiritual Break Through", Elmer Towns; provided much material for this message.

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