
Summary: Life is a journey learn how to have an enjoyable trip

Listen…if your career is in a funk…stop perpetrating and trying to pretend like you got it all together and that everything is fine…face the reality of the situation and deal with it. You can never advance until you admit where you are. If you need to get some training – go to school. If you need to finish your degree – get to it. If your marriage is in a mess – admit it and get some help! If you cannot seem to raise your children properly – that’s why the church has parenting classes…it is not an embarrassment to be in class to become better and go to the next level. Listen…if you are Biblically illiterate and the church offers Bible classes and New Members training and you don’t take advantage of them – then you like being Biblically illiterate. If you are financially in debt and about to go under – this is the time to admit where you are and ask for help. Whatever the situation is in your life…it is vital that you stop denying the fact that you are where you are. It is only then you can move to the next level.

2. However, once you admit to where you are – you must determine to make a difference where you are and make a significant contribution to your current environment…be that their family, their church, their community, their school or their company. Each and every one of us are on a life-long journey.

We are all headed Listen – unless and until you make some significant contribution to your environment – at the level you are now – you are not ready for neither can you advance to the next level of joyful, victorious and abundant living.

People who do not deposit seed and make significant contributions to life at the level they are right now cannot be trusted with more of the blessings and beauty of life because they will not appreciate them and they will not share them nor care for them. Watch this…whatever you want in life and out of life…is already in seed form in you and God will bring it forth only as you “walk by faith” and trust Him for the impossible. But if that seed stays hidden in you and is never sown out into the lives of others…it will die in you as unfulfilled potential. If you can believe in your heart that you can contribute and make a difference in the lives of others at the level you are living. You have to see it in your mind and if you will have conviction for the level of abundant living you desire and confess it with your mouth…your change will come and the impossible will become possible.


1. Many people talk about going to the next level. It is a fancy way of saying that we are poised for greatness, ready to rumble, prepared to advance, to prosper at a new level of living, to grow in our faith walk and to move forward in the Kingdom of God. To go to the next level is to say that you are willing to pay the cost to get closer to your divine destiny being fulfilled. Your divine kingdom destiny is your calling from God.

Where is the next level? That is the question that I have had some “New Negroes” ask of me. Well the answer is simple…it depends on where you are and where you are ultimately destined to be.

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