
Summary: This is an Easter Drama using about 6 characters who share different viewpoints of the resurrection. It can be done on Easter because it is mostly monologues. A short sermon can be given if it is used in worship. Parts can be done by adults or youths.


(Costume Wear a One Peace Dress With African Style Print Or A One Peace Dress That’s Brown Or Orange)

We welcome you to the story Fallout From The Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Three days and beyond after the resurrection several characters will share their experiences of how the Resurrection of Jesus Christ touched their lives. Some of us believe completely in the resurrection. Some of us have doubts that such a thing could take place. Some of us are not sure. Could someone really be raised from the dead.

Well let’s journey together and then try to decide.

You will meet the angel who rolled back the stone on Easter morning. Have you ever thought about why he came down and what his thoughts might have been? What would you have said to him if you could?

We all know that the disciples were together that first Sunday of the resurrection. Have you ever wondered what it was like for them and who else might have been with them. Somebody had to have cooked breakfast that morning. How do you go from gloom to hope in the course of a meal?

Have you ever lost someone that you loved dearly? All you really wanted was the chance to say goodbye or to see that they had a decent funeral. What happens when you get far more than you bargained for?

Did you ever wonder how much money the religious leaders paid out to keep what happened at the tomb a secret.? Where did that money go and who profited the most from hiding the truth? You will hear the story of a soldier’s wife who had no problem living well off a lie.

Have you ever had the experience of just seeming to miss out on a lot of the good things that happen all around you? You will meet a character who desperately wants to know the truth, but finds out just how easy it can be to miss out once again.

Have you ever made a decision that you later regretted, but you couldn’t undo it? What happens when your loyalty to others forces you to live a lie that you want to get away from but can’t. These and other questions will be answered in our story Fallout From The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Walter Glenn—The Angel At The Tomb

(Costume—Dress In Completely White Shirt and Pants Or Wear A White Sheet With Cut Out For Your Head And Arms)

I almost came the night he was betrayed to rescue him. I was among one of those 72,000 angels Jesus could have called on, on the night he was arrested. We were all just waiting for the signal. Even one of us could have wiped out the mob that had come to take him away, soldiers and all.

It was so hard standing in heaven and watching him upon that cross and not being able to come down and help. If it had of been possible, I would have gladly swapped places with him on the cross.

The Father could see how badly I wanted to go and take him down and put an end to that miserable crowd, saying. “He saved others, why can’t He save Himself.” He could have come down anytime He wanted to. I was told he had to die for those people’ sins.

I wanted to do something, but the Father wouldn’t allow it. But then 3 days later I got the call. I was told I was going to go and help get the word out, that the Savior was alive. I shot down from heaven like a lightening bolt. When my feet hit the ground, there was a great earthquake. The soldiers were there guarding the tomb to make sure nobody came and stole the body of the Master. That earthquake got their attention.

They were so afraid when they saw me that they froze in fear. I could see them shaking. I went over to that great big stone in front of the tomb, that they thought nobody could move and laughed. With one hand, I gave it a gentle push, and the seal broke and the stone rolled away. I then sat upon the stone and I took over. Once the soldier saw what I did to that massive rock, they took off running.

You see my job wasn’t to go and let the Master out. He had already risen by the time I arrived. The Father was sending a group of women to the tomb. They were coming to anoint a dead man. My job was to open the tomb to let the women in, so that they could see for themselves the truth of my words. When they came early that morning, I got to preach my first sermon.

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